Harold P. de Vladar
Harold P. de Vladar
Ribbon Biolabs GmbH
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Cited by
Dynamic response of cancer under the influence of immunological activity and therapy
HP de Vladar, JA González
Journal of Theoretical Biology 227 (3), 335-348, 2004
The contribution of statistical physics to evolutionary biology
HP De Vladar, NH Barton
Trends in ecology & evolution 26 (8), 424-432, 2011
Statistical mechanics and the evolution of polygenic quantitative traits
NH Barton, HP de Vladar
Genetics 181 (3), 997-1011, 2009
Stability and response of polygenic traits to stabilizing selection and mutation
HP De Vladar, N Barton
Genetics 197 (2), 749-767, 2014
Amino acid fermentation at the origin of the genetic code
HP de Vladar
Biology direct 7 (1), 6, 2012
Grand views of evolution
HP de Vladar, M Santos, E Szathmáry
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32 (5), 324-334, 2017
Density-dependence as a size-independent regulatory mechanism
HP De Vladar
Journal of theoretical biology 238 (2), 245-256, 2006
The statistical mechanics of a polygenic character under stabilizing selection, mutation and drift
HP de Vladar, NH Barton
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 8 (58), 720-739, 2011
Cognitive architecture with evolutionary dynamics solves insight problem
A Fedor, I Zachar, A Szilágyi, M Öllinger, HP De Vladar, E Szathmáry
Frontiers in psychology 8, 427, 2017
New late-intensification schedules for cancer treatments
JA González, HP de Vladar, M Rebolledo
Acta Cient. Venez 54 (4), 263-273, 2003
Beyond Hamilton's rule
HP de Vladar, E Szathmáry
Science 356 (6337), 485-486, 2017
Breeding novel solutions in the brain: A model of darwinian neurodynamics
A Szilágyi, I Zachar, A Fedor, HP de Vladar, E Szathmáry
F1000Research 5, 2016
Neuronal boost to evolutionary dynamics
HP de Vladar, E Szathmáry
Interface focus 5 (6), 20150074, 2015
The game of active search for extra-terrestrial intelligence: breaking the ‘Great Silence’
HP de Vladar
International Journal of Astrobiology 1 (1), 1-10, 2012
Determinism, noise, and spurious estimations in a generalised model of population growth
HP de Vladar, I Pen
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 373, 477-485, 2007
Evolutionary interplay between structure, energy and epistasis in the coat protein of the ϕX174 phage family
RAF Redondo, HP de Vladar, T Włodarski, JP Bollback
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14 (126), 20160139, 2017
Can the evolution of multicellularity be anticipated in the exploration of the solar system?
HP de Vladar, J Chela-Flores
Life on Earth and other planetary bodies, 387-405, 2012
An attractor network-based model with Darwinian dynamics
HP de Vladar, A Fedor, A Szilágyi, I Zachar, E Szathmáry
Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2016
Letter to the Editor: Dynamic response of cancer under the influence of immunological activity and therapy
HP de Vladar, JA González
Journal of Theoretical Biology 240 (1), 162-163, 2006
Gary Tomlinson, Culture and the Course of Human Evolution, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2018, 202 pp
HP de Vladar
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4), 56, 2020
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Articles 1–20