Julian O'Kelly PhD
Julian O'Kelly PhD
Senior Researcher, East London NHS Foundation Trust
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Neurophysiological and behavioral responses to music therapy in vegetative and minimally conscious states
J O'Kelly, L James, R Palaniappan, J Fachner, J Taborin, WL Magee
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7, 73485, 2013
Multidisciplinary perspectives of music therapy in adult palliative care
J O'Kelly, J Koffman
Palliative medicine 21 (3), 235-241, 2007
Music therapy in palliative care: current perspectives
J O’Kelly
International Journal of Palliative Nursing 8 (3), 130-136, 2002
Music therapy and neuroscience: Opportunities and challenges
JW O'Kelly
Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy 16 (2), 2016
Music therapy with disorders of consciousness: current evidence and emergent evidence-based practice
WL Magee, J O'Kelly
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1337, 256-262, 2015
The complementary role of music therapy in the detection of awareness in disorders of consciousness: an audit of concurrent SMART and MATADOC assessments
J O'Kelly, WL Magee
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 23 (2), 287-298, 2013
Music therapy with disorders of consciousness and neuroscience: the need for dialogue
J O'Kelly, WL Magee
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 22 (2), 93-106, 2013
Saying it in song: music therapy as a carer support intervention
J O’Kelly
International Journal of Palliative Nursing 14 (6), 281-286, 2008
Dialogues in music therapy and music neuroscience: Collaborative understanding driving clinical advances
J O'Kelly, JC Fachner, M Tervaniemi
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 585, 2016
Feasibility and acceptability of group music therapy vs wait-list control for treatment of patients with long-term depression (the SYNCHRONY trial): study protocol for a …
CE Carr, J O’Kelly, S Sandford, S Priebe
Trials 18, 1-15, 2017
Music therapy advances in neuro-disability-innovations in research and practice: Summary Report and Reflections on a Two-Day International Conference
JW O'Kelly, WL Magee, AJ Street, J Fachner, AI Drake, J Cahen, ...
Faculty/Researcher Works, 2014
Development of the music therapy assessment tool for advanced Huntington’s disease: A pilot validation study
J O’Kelly, R Bodak
Journal of Music Therapy 53 (3), 232-256, 2016
Kunsttherapie in der Palliativversorgung. Ein narratives Review. Teil II: Praxis-und Erfahrungsstand
R Kortum, S Koch, L Radbruch, H Gruber
Zeitschrift für Komplementärmedizin 10 (01), 42-50, 2018
Music therapy assessment tool for low awareness states (MATLAS): Establishing reliability and validity
WL Magee, G Lenton-Smith, RJ Siegert, BW Daveson, J O'Kelly
Brain Injury 26 (4-5), 309-792, 2013
Music therapy assessment tools in practice: Challenges and opportunities
J O’Kelly
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 25 (sup1), 143-143, 2016
The development of evidence based music therapy with disorders of consciousness
J O'Kelly
14th World Cogress of Music Therapy, 174-175, 2014
From South Devon to South Africa-Music Therapy in Palliative Care
J O’Kelly
Dialogue and Debate-Conference Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on …, 2002
Emergent research findings: music therapy with disorders of consciousness
J O’Kelly, S Rappich, C Cusack, M Lietor
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 25 (sup1), 55-55, 2016
Music therapy assessment: Bridging gaps
SL Jacobsen, W Magee, S Storm, D Thomas, J O’Kelly, T Wosch, ...
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 25 (sup1), 92-92, 2016
Journal of Music Therapy
J Fiore, J O’Kelly, R Bodak, SE Lee, Y Han, HW Park, C Lynch, ...
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Articles 1–20