Mai Xu
Mai Xu
InnoSepra LLC
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Cited by
Ultra-high surface area and nitrogen-rich porous carbons prepared by a low temperature activation method with superior gas selective adsorption and outstanding supercapacitance …
SD Yan Zhang, Lu Liu, Peixin Zhang, Jun Wang, Mai Xu, Qiang Deng, Zheling Zeng
Chemical Engineering Journal 355, 309-319, 2019
A New Choice of Polymer Precursor for Solvent-free Method: Preparation of N-enriched Porous Carbons for Highly Selective CO2 Capture
P Zhang, Y Zhong, J Ding, J Wang, M Xu, Q Deng, Z Zeng, S Deng
Chemical Engineering Journal 355, 963-973, 2019
Evaluation and optimization of VPSA processes with nanostructured zeolite NaX for post-combustion CO2 capture
M Xu, S Chen, DK Seo, S Deng
Chemical Engineering Journal 371, 693-705, 2019
Highly Selective and Reversible Sulfur Dioxide Adsorption on a Microporous Metal-organic Framework via Polar Sites
SD Yan Zhang, Peixin Zhang, Weikang Yu, Jinghan Zhang, Jiejing Huang, Jun ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019
A hierarchical glucose-intercalated NiMn-G-LDH@ NiCo 2 S 4 core–shell structure as a binder-free electrode for flexible all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors
S Chen, C Lu, L Liu, M Xu, J Wang, Q Deng, Z Zeng, S Deng
Nanoscale 12 (3), 1852-1863, 2020
Effective depolymerization of polyethylene plastic wastes under hydrothermal and solvothermal liquefaction conditions
Y Liu, KC Akula, KPR Dandamudi, Y Liu, M Xu, A Sanchez, D Zhu, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 446, 137238, 2022
Simulation and optimization of pressure swing adsorption process for high-temperature air separation by perovskite sorbents
M Xu, HC Wu, YS Lin, S Deng
Chemical Engineering Journal 354, 62-74, 2018
Facile preparation of N and O-rich porous carbon from palm sheath for highly selective separation of CO2/CH4/N2 gas-mixture
F Liu, Y Zhang, P Zhang, M Xu, T Tan, J Wang, Q Deng, L Zhang, Y Wan, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 399, 125812, 2020
Enhanced mass transfer on hierarchical porous pure silica zeolite used for gas separation
J Yang, N Yuan, M Xu, J Liu, J Li, S Deng
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 266, 56-63, 2018
Facile and Controllable Preparation of Ultramicroporous Biomass-Derived Carbons and Application on Selective Adsorption of Gas-mixtures
DS Zhang Y, Zhang P, Yu W, Wang J, Deng Q, Yang J, Zeng Z, Xu M
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Res, 2018
Controlled synthesis and luminescence properties of CaMoO4:Eu3+ microcrystals
Y Xie, S Ma, Y Wang, M Xu, C Lu, L Xiao, S Deng
Optical Materials 77, 13-18, 2018
Efficient screening of novel adsorbents for coalbed methane recovery
M Xu, S Deng
Journal of colloid and interface science 565, 131-141, 2020
Oxygen pumping characteristics of YBaCo4O7+ δ for solar thermochemical cycles
M Xu, I Ermanoski, EB Stechel, S Deng
Chemical Engineering Journal 389, 124026, 2020
Simultaneous Conversion of C5 and C6 Sugars into Methyl Levulinate with the Addition of 1, 3, 5‐Trioxane
SD Xilei Lyu, Zihao Zhang, Francis Okejiri, Hao Chen, Mai Xu, Xujie Chen
ChemSusChem, 2019
Beneficial Effect of Water on the Catalytic Conversion of Sugars to Methyl Lactate in Near-Critical Methanol Solutions
SD Xilei Lyu, Mai Xu, Xujie Chen, Ling Xu, Juncheng Wang
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 58 (27), 12451-12458, 2019
Sorbent-based oxygen separation with YBC114 for energy storage systems
M Xu, I Ermanoski, EB Stechel, S Deng
Chemical Engineering Journal 435, 134884, 2022
Sorbent-based oxygen separation
EB Stechel, I Ermanoski, S Deng, M Xu
US Patent App. 17/901,537, 2023
Thermally-Driven Oxygen Pumping and Sweeping/Separation
I Ermanoski, M Xu, S Deng, E Stechel
2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020
Experimental and Simulation Study on Novel Adsorbents for Carbon Capture, Oxygen Sorption, and Methane Recovery
M Xu
Arizona State University, 2020
Oxygen pumping characteristics of YBaCo4O7 for solar thermochemical cycles
M Xu, I Ermanoski, EB Stechel, S Deng
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Articles 1–20