D Worthington
D Worthington
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Cited by
Queueing models for out-patient appointment systems—a case study
M Brahimi, DJ Worthington
Journal of the Operational Research Society 42 (9), 733-746, 1991
Queueing models for hospital waiting lists
DJ Worthington
Journal of the Operational Research Society 38 (5), 413-422, 1987
Hospital waiting list management models
D Worthington
Journal of the Operational Research Society 42 (10), 833-843, 1991
Setting staffing requirements for time dependent queueing networks: The case of accident and emergency departments
N Izady, D Worthington
European Journal of Operational Research 219 (3), 531-540, 2012
The DH accident and emergency department model: a national generic model used locally
A Fletcher, D Halsall, S Huxham, D Worthington
Journal of the Operational Research Society 58 (12), 1554-1562, 2007
Performance analysis of make-to-order manufacturing systems under different workload control regimes
A Haskose, BG Kingsman, D Worthington
International journal of production economics 90 (2), 169-186, 2004
What is a ‘generic’hospital model?—a comparison of ‘generic’and ‘specific’hospital models of emergency patient flows
A Fletcher, D Worthington
Health Care Management Science 12, 374-391, 2009
A simulation-based study of a NHS walk-in centre
R Ashton, L Hague, M Brandreth, D Worthington, S Cropper
Journal of the Operational Research Society 56 (2), 153-161, 2005
Developing a methodology for multidisciplinary action research: a case study
T Hindle, P Checkland, M Mumford, D Worthington
Journal of the Operational Research Society 46 (4), 453-464, 1995
Reflections on queue modelling from the last 50 years
D Worthington
Journal of the Operational Research Society 60 (sup1), S83-S92, 2009
Modelling flow and jobbing shops as a queueing network for workload control
A Haskose, BG Kingsman, D Worthington
International Journal of Production Economics 78 (3), 271-285, 2002
An example of a good but partially successful OR engagement: Improving outpatient clinic operations
JC Bennett, DJ Worthington
Interfaces 28 (5), 56-69, 1998
A modelling tool for capacity planning in acute and community stroke services
T Monks, D Worthington, M Allen, M Pitt, K Stein, MA James
BMC health services research 16, 1-8, 2016
The finite capacity multi-server queue with inhomogeneous arrival rate and discrete service time distribution—and its application to continuous service time problems
M Brahimi, DJ Worthington
European Journal of Operational Research 50 (3), 310-324, 1991
Using the discrete time modelling approach to evaluate the time-dependent behaviour of queueing systems
D Worthington, A Wall
Journal of the Operational Research Society 50 (8), 777-788, 1999
A new model for call centre queue management
E Chassioti, DJ Worthington
Journal of the Operational Research Society 55 (12), 1352-1357, 2004
Statistical modelling to predict corporate default for Brazilian companies in the context of Basel II using a new set of financial ratios
J Minussi, D Soopramanien, D Worthington
LUMS, 2007
Use of queue modelling in the analysis of elective patient treatment governed by a maximum waiting time policy
D Kozlowski, D Worthington
European Journal of Operational Research 244 (1), 331-338, 2015
Will delays in treatment jeopardize the population benefit from extending the time window for stroke thrombolysis?
M Pitt, T Monks, P Agarwal, D Worthington, GA Ford, KR Lees, K Stein, ...
Stroke 43 (11), 2992-2997, 2012
Capacity planning
M Utley, D Worthington
Handbook of healthcare system scheduling, 11-30, 2012
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Articles 1–20