Angelo Fernando Padilha
Angelo Fernando Padilha
Professor Titular, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
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Decomposition of Austenite in Austenitic Stainless Steels.
AF Padilha, PR Rios
ISIJ international 42 (4), 325-337, 2002
Materiais de engenharia
AF Padilha
São Paulo: Hemus, 349, 1997
Nucleation and growth during recrystallization
PR Rios, F Siciliano Jr, HRZ Sandim, RL Plaut, AF Padilha
Materials Research 8, 225-238, 2005
Annealing of cold-worked austenitic stainless steels
AF Padilha, RL Plaut, PR Rios
ISIJ international 43 (2), 135-143, 2003
Chi-phase precipitation in a duplex stainless steel
DM Escriba, E Materna-Morris, RL Plaut, AF Padilha
Materials Characterization 60 (11), 1214-1219, 2009
Comparative study on sigma phase precipitation of three types of stainless steels: austenitic, superferritic and duplex
DME Villanueva, FCP Junior, RL Plaut, AF Padilha
Materials Science and Technology 22 (9), 1098-1104, 2006
A short review on wrought austenitic stainless steels at high temperatures: processing, microstructure, properties and performance
RL Plaut, C Herrera, DM Escriba, PR Rios, AF Padilha
Materials Research 10, 453-460, 2007
Encruamento, recristalização, crescimento de grão e textura
AF Padilha, F Siciliano Junior
Aços inoxidáveis austeníticos: microestrutura e propriedades
AF Padilha, LC Guedes
Técnicas de análise microestrutural
AF Padilha, F Ambrozio Filho
Hemus, 2004
Competition between recovery and recrystallization
HP Stüwe, AF Padilha, F Siciliano Jr
Materials Science and Engineering: A 333 (1-2), 361-367, 2002
Recrystallization–transformation combined reactions during annealing of a cold rolled ferritic–austenitic duplex stainless steel
W Reick, M Pohl, AF Padilha
ISIJ international 38 (6), 567-571, 1998
Precipitation in AISI 316L (N) during creep tests at 550 and 600 C up to 10 years
AF Padilha, DM Escriba, E Materna-Morris, M Rieth, M Klimenkov
Journal of Nuclear Materials 362 (1), 132-138, 2007
Determination of stacking fault energy of austenite in a duplex stainless steel
W Reick, M Pohl, AF Padilha
steel research 67 (6), 253-256, 1996
Microstructure and intergranular corrosion of the austenitic stainless steel 1.4970
M Terada, M Saiki, I Costa, AF Padilha
Journal of Nuclear Materials 358 (1), 40-46, 2006
Stainless steel: heat treatment
AF Padilha, RL Plaut, PR Rios
Encyclopedia of Iron, Steel, and Their Alloys (Online Version), 3255-3282, 2016
Effects of cold and warm cross-rolling on microstructure and texture evolution of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheet
LLC Catorceno, HFG de Abreu, AF Padilha
Journal of magnesium and alloys 6 (2), 121-133, 2018
Delta ferrite formation in austenitic stainless steel castings
AF Padilha, CF Tavares, MA Martorano
Materials Science Forum 730, 733-738, 2013
Investigation on the intergranular corrosion resistance of the AISI 316L (N) stainless steel after long time creep testing at 600 C
M Terada, DM Escriba, I Costa, E Materna-Morris, AF Padilha
Materials characterization 59 (6), 663-668, 2008
Microstructures and mechanical properties of Fe–15% Cr–15% Ni austenitic stainless steels containing different levels of niobium additions submitted to various processing stages
AF Padilha, IF Machado, RL Plaut
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 170 (1-2), 89-96, 2005
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Articles 1–20