Theo dơi
Amaury Frankl
Amaury Frankl
Geographer, Ghent University
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How fast do gully headcuts retreat?
M Vanmaercke, J Poesen, B Van Mele, M Demuzere, A Bruynseels, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 154, 336-355, 2016
Comparing bias correction methods used in downscaling precipitation and temperature from regional climate models: a case study from the Kaidu River Basin in Western China
M Luo, T Liu, F Meng, Y Duan, A Frankl, A Bao, P De Maeyer
Water 10 (8), 1046, 2018
Gully head retreat rates in the semi-arid highlands of Northern Ethiopia
A Frankl, J Poesen, J Deckers, M Haile, J Nyssen
Geomorphology 173, 185-195, 2012
Desertification? Northern Ethiopia re-photographed after 140 years
J Nyssen, M Haile, J Naudts, N Munro, J Poesen, J Moeyersons, A Frankl, ...
Science of the total environment 407 (8), 2749-2755, 2009
Impact of deforestation on soil fertility, soil carbon and nitrogen stocks: the case of the Gacheb catchment in the White Nile Basin, Ethiopia.
H Kassa, S Dondeyne, J Poesen, A Frankl, J Nyssen
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 247, 273-282, 2017
Detailed recording of gully morphology in 3D through image-based modelling
A Frankl, C Stal, A Abraha, J Nyssen, D Rieke-Zapp, A De Wulf, J Poesen
Catena 127, 92-101, 2015
Linking long-term gully and river channel dynamics to environmental change using repeat photography (Northern Ethiopia)
A Frankl, J Nyssen, M De Dapper, M Haile, P Billi, RN Munro, J Deckers, ...
Geomorphology 129 (3-4), 238-251, 2011
Quantifying long-term changes in gully networks and volumes in dryland environments: The case of Northern Ethiopia
A Frankl, J Poesen, M Haile, J Deckers, J Nyssen
Geomorphology 201, 254-263, 2013
Transition from forest‐based to cereal‐based agricultural systems: A review of the drivers of land use change and degradation in Southwest Ethiopia
H Kassa, S Dondeyne, J Poesen, A Frankl, J Nyssen
Land Degradation & Development 28 (2), 431-449, 2017
Environmental conditions and human drivers for changes to north Ethiopian mountain landscapes over 145 years
J Nyssen, A Frankl, M Haile, H Hurni, K Descheemaeker, D Crummey, ...
Science of the total environment 485, 164-179, 2014
Identifying climate change impacts on water resources in Xinjiang, China
M Luo, T Liu, F Meng, Y Duan, A Bao, W Xing, X Feng, P De Maeyer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 676, 613-626, 2019
Factors controlling the morphology and volume (V)–length (L) relations of permanent gullies in the northern Ethiopian Highlands
A Frankl, J Poesen, N Scholiers, M Jacob, M Haile, J Deckers, J Nyssen
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 (14), 1672-1684, 2013
Land management in the northern Ethiopian highlands: local and global perspectives; past, present and future
J Nyssen, A Frankl, A Zenebe, J Deckers, J Poesen
Land Degradation & Development 26 (7), 759-764, 2015
Integrated solutions for combating gully erosion in areas prone to soil piping: innovations from the drylands of Northern Ethiopia
A Frankl, J Deckers, L Moulaert, A Van Damme, M Haile, J Poesen, ...
Land Degradation & Development 27 (8), 1797-1804, 2016
Historical landscape photographs for calibration of Landsat land use/cover in the Northern Ethiopian highlands
S de Mûelenaere, A Frankl, M Haile, J Poesen, J Deckers, N Munro, ...
Land Degradation & Development 25 (4), 319-335, 2014
Geomorphology of the lake tana basin, ethiopia
L Poppe, A Frankl, J Poesen, T Admasu, M Dessie, E Adgo, J Deckers, ...
Journal of Maps 9 (3), 431-437, 2013
Effects of check dams on runoff characteristics along gully reaches, the case of Northern Ethiopia
E Guyassa, A Frankl, A Zenebe, J Poesen, J Nyssen
Journal of hydrology 545, 299-309, 2017
Effects of region-wide soil and water conservation in semi-arid areas: the case of northern Ethiopia
J Nyssen, J Poesen, K Descheemaeker, N Haregeweyn, M Haile, ...
Zeitschrift Fur Geomorphologie 52 (3), 291, 2008
Identifying erosion hotspots in Lake Tana Basin from a multisite Soil and Water Assessment Tool validation: Opportunity for land managers
H Lemma, A Frankl, A van Griensven, J Poesen, E Adgo, J Nyssen
Land Degradation & Development 30 (12), 1449-1467, 2019
Spatiotemporal characteristics of future changes in precipitation and temperature in Central Asia
M Luo, T Liu, F Meng, Y Duan, A Bao, A Frankl, P De Maeyer
International Journal of Climatology 39 (3), 1571-1588, 2019
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