Jacques Noyé
Jacques Noyé
IMT Atlantique
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A uniform approach for compile-time and run-time specialization
C Consel, L Hornof, F Noël, J Noyé, N Volanschi
Partial Evaluation: International Seminar Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, February …, 2005
Partial behavioral reflection: Spatial and temporal selection of reification
É Tanter, J Noyé, D Caromel, P Cointe
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 38 (11), 27-46, 2003
Tempo: Specializing systems applications and beyond
C Consel, L Hornof, R Marlet, G Muller, S Thibault, EN Volanschi, J Lawall, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 30 (3es), 19-es, 1998
Dynamic aspectj
A Assaf, J Noyé
Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Dynamic languages, 1-12, 2008
A versatile kernel for multi-language AOP
É Tanter, J Noyé
International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering …, 2005
Towards partially evaluating reflection in Java
M Braux, J Noyé
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 34 (11), 2-11, 1999
EScala: modular event-driven object interactions in Scala
V Gasiunas, L Satabin, M Mezini, A Núñez, J Noyé
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on Aspect-oriented …, 2011
Logic programming environments: Dynamic program analysis and debugging
M Ducassé, J Noyé
The Journal of Logic Programming 19, 351-384, 1994
Concurrent aspects
R Douence, D Le Botlan, J Noyé, M Südholt
Proceedings of the 5th international Conference on Generative Programming …, 2006
Accurate binding-time analysis for imperative languages: Flow, context, and return sensitivity
L Hornof, J Noyé
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 32 (12), 63-73, 1997
Effective specialization of realistic programs via use sensitivity
L Hornof, C Consel, J Noyé
International Static Analysis Symposium, 293-314, 1997
A declarative approach for designing and developing adaptive components
P Boinot, R Marlet, J Noyé, G Muller, C Consel
Proceedings ASE 2000. Fifteenth IEEE International Conference on Automated …, 2000
Reflex—towards an open reflective extension of Java
É Tanter, NMN Bouraqadi-Saâdani, J Noyé
Metalevel Architectures and Separation of Crosscutting Concerns: Third …, 2001
Altering Java semantics via bytecode manipulation
É Tanter, M Ségura-Devillechaise, J Noyé, J Piquer
Generative Programming and Component Engineering: ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT …, 2002
A java implementation of a component model with explicit symbolic protocols
S Pavel, J Noyé, P Poizat, JC Royer
Software Composition: 4th International Workshop, SC 2005, Edinburgh, UK …, 2005
Accurate binding-time analysis for imperative languages: Flow, context, and return sensitivity
L Hornof, J Noyé
Theoretical Computer Science 248 (1-2), 3-27, 2000
Aspectizing Java access control
R Toledo, A Núñez, E Tanter, J Noyé
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 38 (1), 101-117, 2011
KCM: a knowledge crunching machine
H Benker, JM Beacco, M Dorochevsky, T Jeffré, A Pöhlmann, J Noye, ...
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 17 (3), 186-194, 1989
Expressive scoping of distributed aspects
É Tanter, J Fabry, R Douence, J Noyé, M Südholt
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Aspect-oriented …, 2009
Supporting dynamic crosscutting with partial behavioral reflection: a case study
L Rodríguez, É Tanter, J Noyé
XXIV International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, 48-58, 2004
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Articles 1–20