Fang-Zhou Yao
Fang-Zhou Yao
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(K, Na)NbO3‐Based Lead‐Free Piezoceramics: Fundamental Aspects, Processing Technologies, and Remaining Challenges
JF Li, K Wang, FY Zhu, LQ Cheng, FZ Yao
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (12), 3677-3696, 2013
High-temperature dielectric materials for electrical energy storage
Q Li, FZ Yao, Y Liu, G Zhang, H Wang, Q Wang
Annual Review of Materials Research 48 (1), 219-243, 2018
Temperature‐Insensitive (K,Na)NbO3‐Based Lead‐Free Piezoactuator Ceramics
K Wang, FZ Yao, W Jo, D Gobeljic, VV Shvartsman, DC Lupascu, JF Li, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (33), 4079-4086, 2013
Simultaneously achieved temperature-insensitive high energy density and efficiency in domain engineered BaTiO3-Bi (Mg0. 5Zr0. 5) O3 lead-free relaxor ferroelectrics
Q Yuan, G Li, FZ Yao, SD Cheng, Y Wang, R Ma, SB Mi, M Gu, K Wang, ...
Nano Energy 52, 203-210, 2018
Diffused phase transition boosts thermal stability of high‐performance lead‐free piezoelectrics
FZ Yao, K Wang, W Jo, KG Webber, TP Comyn, JX Ding, B Xu, LQ Cheng, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (8), 1217-1224, 2016
Relaxor ferroelectric 0.9 BaTiO 3–0.1 Bi (Zn 0.5 Zr 0.5) O 3 ceramic capacitors with high energy density and temperature stable energy storage properties
Q Yuan, F Yao, Y Wang, R Ma, H Wang
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (37), 9552-9558, 2017
Multiscale structural engineering of dielectric ceramics for energy storage applications: from bulk to thin films
FZ Yao, Q Yuan, Q Wang, H Wang
Nanoscale 12 (33), 17165-17184, 2020
Temperature stability of lead‐free niobate piezoceramics with engineered morphotropic phase boundary
R Wang, K Wang, F Yao, JF Li, FH Schader, KG Webber, W Jo, J Rödel
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98 (7), 2177-2182, 2015
Bioinspired hierarchically structured all‐inorganic nanocomposites with significantly improved capacitive performance
Q Yuan, FZ Yao, SD Cheng, L Wang, Y Wang, SB Mi, Q Wang, X Wang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (23), 2000191, 2020
Nanoscale ferroelectric/relaxor composites: origin of large strain in lead–free Bi–based incipient piezoelectric ceramics
TH Dinh, JK Kang, JS Lee, NH Khansur, J Daniels, HY Lee, FZ Yao, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (14), 3401-3407, 2016
Multi-scale thermal stability of niobate-based lead-free piezoceramics with large piezoelectricity
JS Zhou, K Wang, FZ Yao, T Zheng, J Wu, D Xiao, J Zhu, JF Li
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (34), 8780-8787, 2015
Enhanced bipolar fatigue resistance in CaZrO3-modified (K, Na) NbO3 lead-free piezoceramics
FZ Yao, EA Patterson, K Wang, W Jo, J Rödel, JF Li
Applied Physics Letters 104 (24), 2014
Phase transition and high piezoelectricity in (Ba, Ca)(Ti1− xSnx) O3 lead-free ceramics
LF Zhu, BP Zhang, XK Zhao, L Zhao, FZ Yao, X Han, PF Zhou, JF Li
Applied Physics Letters 103 (7), 2013
Piezoelectric materials and sensors for structural health monitoring: fundamental aspects, current status, and future perspectives
M Ju, Z Dou, JW Li, X Qiu, B Shen, D Zhang, FZ Yao, W Gong, K Wang
Sensors 23 (1), 543, 2023
Poling engineering of (K, Na) NbO 3-based lead-free piezoceramics with orthorhombic–tetragonal coexisting phases
Q Li, MH Zhang, ZX Zhu, K Wang, JS Zhou, FZ Yao, JF Li
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (3), 549-556, 2017
Ferroelectric domain morphology and temperature-dependent piezoelectricity of (K, Na, Li)(Nb, Ta, Sb) O 3 lead-free piezoceramics
FZ Yao, Q Yu, K Wang, Q Li, JF Li
RSC Advances 4 (39), 20062-20068, 2014
Fatigue-free unipolar strain behavior in CaZrO3 and MnO2 co-modified (K, Na) NbO3-based lead-free piezoceramics
FZ Yao, J Glaum, K Wang, W Jo, J Rödel, JF Li
Applied Physics Letters 103 (19), 2013
Isolated‐oxygen‐vacancy hardening in lead‐free piezoelectrics
YX Liu, W Qu, HC Thong, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, FZ Yao, TN Nguyen, JW Li, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (29), 2202558, 2022
Deciphering the phase transition-induced ultrahigh piezoresponse in (K,Na)NbO3-based piezoceramics
MH Zhang, C Shen, C Zhao, M Dai, FZ Yao, B Wu, J Ma, H Nan, D Wang, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 3434, 2022
Composition Inhomogeneity due to Alkaline Volatilization in Li‐Modified (K, Na)NbO3 Lead‐Free Piezoceramics
LQ Cheng, K Wang, FZ Yao, F Zhu, JF Li
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (9), 2693-2695, 2013
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