Brian Annex
Brian Annex
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The VIVA trial: Vascular endothelial growth factor in Ischemia for Vascular Angiogenesis
TD Henry, BH Annex, GR McKendall, MA Azrin, JJ Lopez, FJ Giordano, ...
Circulation 107 (10), 1359-1365, 2003
Aging, progenitor cell exhaustion, and atherosclerosis
FM Rauscher, PJ Goldschmidt-Clermont, BH Davis, T Wang, D Gregg, ...
Circulation 108 (4), 457-463, 2003
Atherosclerotic vascular disease conference: writing group III: pathophysiology
DP Faxon, V Fuster, P Libby, JA Beckman, WR Hiatt, RW Thompson, ...
Circulation 109 (21), 2617-2625, 2004
Pharmacological treatment of coronary artery disease with recombinant fibroblast growth factor-2: double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial
M Simons, BH Annex, RJ Laham, N Kleiman, T Henry, H Dauerman, ...
Circulation 105 (7), 788-793, 2002
A novel protective effect of erythropoietin in the infarcted heart
CJ Parsa, A Matsumoto, J Kim, RU Riel, LS Pascal, GB Walton, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 112 (7), 999-1007, 2003
Regional angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor in peripheral arterial disease: a phase II randomized, double-blind, controlled study of adenoviral delivery of …
S Rajagopalan, ER Mohler III, RJ Lederman, FO Mendelsohn, ...
Circulation 108 (16), 1933-1938, 2003
Therapeutic angiogenesis with recombinant fibroblast growth factor-2 for intermittent claudication (the TRAFFIC study): a randomised trial
RJ Lederman, FO Mendelsohn, RD Anderson, JF Saucedo, AN Tenaglia, ...
The Lancet 359 (9323), 2053-2058, 2002
Rescue of diabetes-related impairment of angiogenesis by intramuscular gene therapy with adeno-VEGF
A Rivard, M Silver, D Chen, M Kearney, M Magner, B Annex, K Peters, ...
The American journal of pathology 154 (2), 355-363, 1999
Epidemiology of peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischemia in an insured national population
MR Nehler, S Duval, L Diao, BH Annex, WR Hiatt, K Rogers, A Zakharyan, ...
Journal of vascular surgery 60 (3), 686-695. e2, 2014
Differential expression of tissue factor protein in directional atherectomy specimens from patients with stable and unstable coronary syndromes
BH Annex, SM Denning, KM Channon, MH Sketch Jr, RS Stack, ...
Circulation 91 (3), 619-622, 1995
A target‐mediated model to describe the pharmacokinetics and hemodynamic effects of recombinant human vascular endothelial growth factor in humans
SM Eppler, DL Combs, TD Henry, JJ Lopez, SG Ellis, JH Yi, BH Annex, ...
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 72 (1), 20-32, 2002
Therapeutic angiogenesis for critical limb ischaemia
BH Annex
Nature Reviews Cardiology 10 (7), 387-396, 2013
Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the safety of intramuscular injection of hepatocyte growth factor plasmid to improve limb perfusion in patients …
RJ Powell, M Simons, FO Mendelsohn, G Daniel, TD Henry, M Koga, ...
Circulation 118 (1), 58-65, 2008
Impaired Collateral Vessel Development Associated With Reduced Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in ApoE−/− Mice
T Couffinhal, M Silver, M Kearney, A Sullivan, B Witzenbichler, M Magner, ...
Circulation 99 (24), 3188-3198, 1999
A systems biology perspective on sVEGFR1: its biological function, pathogenic role and therapeutic use
FTH Wu, MO Stefanini, FM Gabhann, CD Kontos, BH Annex, AS Popel
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 14 (3), 528-552, 2010
Voluntary running induces fiber type-specific angiogenesis in mouse skeletal muscle
RE Waters, S Rotevatn, P Li, BH Annex, Z Yan
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 287 (5), C1342-C1348, 2004
Impaired angiogenesis after hindlimb ischemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus: differential regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 and soluble vascular …
S Hazarika, AO Dokun, Y Li, AS Popel, CD Kontos, BH Annex
Circulation research 101 (9), 948-956, 2007
Capillary density of skeletal muscle: a contributing mechanism for exercise intolerance in class II–III chronic heart failure independent of other peripheral alterations
BD Duscha, WE Kraus, SJ Keteyian, MJ Sullivan, HJ Green, FH Schachat, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 33 (7), 1956-1963, 1999
Neovascularization in atherectomy specimens from patients with unstable angina: implications for pathogenesis of unstable angina
AN Tenaglia, KG Peters, MH Sketch Jr, BH Annex
American heart journal 135 (1), 10-14, 1998
The VEGF receptor Flt-1 spatially modulates Flk-1 signaling and blood vessel branching
NC Kappas, G Zeng, JC Chappell, JB Kearney, S Hazarika, KG Kallianos, ...
The Journal of cell biology 181 (5), 847-858, 2008
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Articles 1–20