Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam
Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam
Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
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Cited by
IoT architectural styles: A systematic mapping study
H Muccini, MT Moghaddam
Software Architecture: 12th European Conference on Software Architecture …, 2018
Self-adaptive IoT Architectures
H Muccini, R Spalazzese, MT Moghaddam, M Sharaf
ECSA '18 Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software …, 2018
Fault-tolerant iot: A systematic mapping study
MT Moghaddam, H Muccini
Software Engineering for Resilient Systems: 11th International Workshop …, 2019
Real-time emergency response through performant IoT architectures
C Arbib, D Arcelli, J Dugdale, MT Moghaddam, H Muccini
International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2019
Designing internet of behaviors systems
MT Moghaddam, H Muccini, J Dugdale, MB Kjægaard
2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 124-134, 2022
Applying a network flow model to quick and safe evacuation of people from a building: a real case
C Arbib, H Muccini, MT Moghaddam
Proceedings of the GEOSAFE Workshop on Robust Solutions for Fire Fighting …, 2018
Ias: an iot architectural self-adaptation framework
MT Moghaddam, E Rutten, P Lalanda, G Giraud
Software Architecture: 14th European Conference, ECSA 2020, L'Aquila, Italy …, 2020
Human behaviour centered design: developing a software system for cultural heritage
J Dugdale, MT Moghaddam, H Muccini
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
An iot software architecture for an evacuable building architecture
H Muccini, C Arbib, P Davidsson, M Tourchi Moghaddam
Iot4emergency: Internet of things for emergency management
J Dugdale, MT Moghaddam, H Muccini
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 46 (1), 33-36, 2021
Iot flows: a network flow model application to building evacuation
C Arbib, MT Moghaddam, H Muccini
A View of Operations Research Applications in Italy, 2018, 115-131, 2019
Hierarchical control for self-adaptive iot systems a constraint programming-based adaptation approach
MT Moghaddam, E Rutten, G Giraud
HICSS 2022-Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2022
Assert: A blockchain-based architectural approach for engineering secure self-adaptive iot systems
F Alkhabbas, M Alsadi, S Alawadi, FM Awaysheh, VR Kebande, ...
Sensors 22 (18), 6842, 2022
Agent-based simulation for IoT facilitated building evacuation
J Dugdale, MT Moghaddam, H Muccini
2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies …, 2019
Human behavior-oriented architectural design
MB Abughazala, MT Moghaddam, H Muccini, K Vaidhyanathan
European Conference on Software Architecture, 134-143, 2021
IoT-based urban security models
MT Moghaddam
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
A combined netflow-driven and agent-based social modeling approach for building evacuation
J Dugdale, MT Moghaddam, H Muccini, H Narayanankutty
PRIMA 2019: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: 22nd …, 2019
A cyber-physical space operational approach for crowd evacuation handling
H Muccini, M Tourchi Moghaddam
Software Engineering for Resilient Systems: 9th International Workshop …, 2017
Emoticontrol: Emotions-based Control of User-Interfaces Adaptations
M Alipour, MT Moghaddam, K Vaidhyanathan, MB Kjærgaard
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (EICS), 1-29, 2023
User interface and architecture adaption based on emotions and behaviors
MT Moghaddam, M Alipour, MB Kjærgaard
2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion …, 2023
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Articles 1–20