Martin Bresler
Martin Bresler
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Cited by
Online recognition of sketched arrow-connected diagrams
M Bresler, D Průša, V Hlaváč
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 19, 253-267, 2016
Recognition System for On-line Sketched Diagrams
M Bresler, T Van Phan, D Průša, M Nakagawa, V Hlaváč
ICFHR 2014: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Frontiers in …, 2014
Modeling flowchart structure recognition as a max-sum problem
M Bresler, D Průša, V Hlaváč
12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2013
cluster: Smart clustering of free-hand sketches on large interactive surfaces
F Perteneder, M Bresler, EM Grossauer, J Leong, M Haller
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software …, 2015
Mfrdb: Database of annotated on-line mathematical formulae
J Stria, M Bresler, D Prusa, V Hlavác
2012 International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 542-547, 2012
Recognizing off-line flowcharts by reconstructing strokes and using on-line recognition techniques
M Bresler, D Průša, V Hlaváč
2016 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2016
Detection of arrows in on-line sketched diagrams using relative stroke positioning
M Bresler, D Prusa, V Hlavác
2015 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 610-617, 2015
Simultaneous segmentation and recognition of graphical symbols using a composite descriptor
M Bresler, D Pruša, V Hlavác
CVWW 13, 16-23, 2013
Using Agglomerative Clustering of Strokes to Perform Symbols Over-segmentation within a Diagram Recognition System
M Bresler, D Pruša, V Hlavác
CVWW, 2015
Nao robot navigation based on a single VGA camera
Š Fojtu, M Bresler, D Pruša
17th Computer Vision Winter Workshop, 2012
cLuster: Applications for smart clustering of free-hand sketches
F Perteneder, M Bresler, EM Grossauer, J Leong, C Rendl, M Haller
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2016
Text/non-text classification of strokes using the composite descriptor
M Bresler
Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Student Conferenece POSTER, 2013
Understanding Formal Arrow-Connected Diagrams and Free-form Sketches
M Bresler
PQDT-Global, 2016
Structure and Its Meaning for Recognition
M Bresler
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Articles 1–14