Mate Boban
Mate Boban
Huawei Technologies, Munich Research Center
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A Tutorial on 5G NR V2X Communications
MHC Garcia, A Molina-Galan, M Boban, J Gozalvez, B Coll-Perales, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (3), 1972-2026, 2021
Impact of vehicles as obstacles in vehicular ad hoc networks
M Boban, TTV Vinhoza, M Ferreira, J Barros, OK Tonguz
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 29 (1), 15-28, 2010
Connected roads of the future: Use cases, requirements, and design considerations for vehicle-to-everything communications
M Boban, A Kousaridas, K Manolakis, J Eichinger, W Xu
IEEE vehicular technology magazine 13 (3), 110-123, 2018
Vehicular communications: Survey and challenges of channel and propagation models
W Viriyasitavat, M Boban, HM Tsai
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 10 (2), 55-66, 2015
Geometry-based vehicle-to-vehicle channel modeling for large-scale simulation
M Boban, J Barros, O Tonguz
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (9), 4146-4164, 2014
Experimental study on the impact of vehicular obstructions in VANETs
R Meireles, M Boban, P Steenkiste, O Tonguz, J Barros
Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2010 IEEE, 338-345, 2010
Propagation Channels of 5G Millimeter Wave Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications: Recent Advances and Future Challenges
R He, C Schneider, B Ai, G Wang, D Dupleich, R Thomae, M Boban, ...
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2019
Comparison of Radio Frequency and Visible Light Propagation Channels for Vehicular Communications
L Cheng, W Viriyasitavat, M Boban, HM Tsai
IEEE Access 6, 2634-2644, 2018
Multi-Band Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channel Characterization in the Presence of Vehicle Blockage
M Boban, D Dupleich, N Iqbal, J Luo, C Schneider, R Müller, Z Yu, ...
IEEE Access 7, 9724-9735, 2019
Multiplayer games over vehicular ad hoc networks: A new application
OK Tonguz, M Boban
Ad Hoc Networks 8 (5), 531-543, 2010
What is the best achievable QoS for unicast routing in VANETs?
M Boban, G Misek, OK Tonguz
2008 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 1-10, 2008
Fifth-generation technologies for the connected car: Capable systems for Vehicle-to-Anything communications
M Fallgren, M Dillinger, J Alonso-Zarate, M Boban, T Abbas, K Manolakis, ...
ieee vehicular technology magazine 13 (3), 28-38, 2018
Exploring the Practical Limits of Cooperative Awareness in Vehicular Communications
M Boban, P d Orey
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (6), 3904-3916, 2016
TVR-Tall Vehicle Relaying in Vehicular Networks
M Boban, R Meireles, J Barros, P Steenkiste, OK Tonguz
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 13 (5), 1118-1131, 2014
ECPR: Environment- and Context-aware Combined Power and Rate Distributed Congestion Control for Vehicular Communications
B Aygun, M Boban, AM Wyglinski
Computer Communications, 2016
Modeling vehicle-to-vehicle line of sight channels and its impact on application-layer performance
M Boban, W Viriyasitavat, OK Tonguz
Proceeding of the tenth ACM international workshop on Vehicular inter …, 2013
Design aspects for 5G V2X physical layer
M Boban, K Manolakis, M Ibrahim, S Bazzi, W Xu
2016 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), 1-7, 2016
Modeling the evolution of line-of-sight blockage for V2V channels
M Boban, X Gong, W Xu
2016 IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 1-7, 2016
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Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Cross Layer DCC Management Entity for …, 0
Exploiting the Height of Vehicles in Vehicular Communication
M Boban, R Meireles, J Barros, O Tonguz, P Steenkiste
Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2011 IEEE, 284-291, 2011
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Articles 1–20