Rajiv Chavada
Cited by
Cited by
Construction workspace management: the development and application of a novel nD planning approach and tool
R Chavada, N Dawood, M Kassem
Journal of Information Technology in Construction 17, 213-236, 2012
Construction workspace management within an Industry Foundation Class-Compliant 4D tool
M Kassem, N Dawood, R Chavada
Automation in Construction 52, 42–58, 2015
A Framework for Construction Workspace Management: A Serious Game Engine Approach
RD Chavada, M Kassem, NN Dawood, KK Naji
Computing in Civil Engineering (2012), pp. 57-64, 2012
An innovative approach to integrate H&S issues in the construction project planning using serious game engine technologies
R Chavada, NN Dawood
10th international conference on construction applications of virtual …, 2010
Interactive visual lean system for resource planning of earthwork operations
N Dawood, R Chavada, C Benghi, R Sanches
Proc., 18th Ann. Conf. of the Int’l. Group for Lean Construction, 652-661, 2010
Building a contact network influencer dataset-An intuitive study of cyber and social psychology for group purchase behaviour
P Gohel, R Chavada
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 9 (11), 74-79, 2019
Road Construction Projects: An Integrated And Interactive Visual Tool For Planning Earthwork Operations
M Kassem, R Chavada, N Dawood, C Benghi, R Sanches
13th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual …, 2013
Intelligent visualisation system to identify H&S issues on construction site
R Chavada, N Dawood
International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Structures and Facilities …, 2011
An interactive lean system for resource planning of earthwork operations
N Dawood, C Benghi, R Sanches, R Chavada
International Group for Lean Construction - IGLC, 2010
A Framework for Construction Workspace Management A Serious Game Engine Approach Read More: http://ascelibrary. org/doi/abs/10.1061/9780784412343.0008
RD Chavada, M Kassem, NN Dawood, KK Naji
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Articles 1–10