Markus A. Höllerer
Markus A. Höllerer
UNSW Sydney
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The visual dimension in organizing, organization, and organization research: Core ideas, current developments, and promising avenues
RE Meyer, MA Höllerer, D Jancsary, T van Leeuwen
Academy of Management Annals 7 (1), 487-553, 2013
Meaning structures in a contested issue field: A topographic map of shareholder value in Austria
RE Meyer, MA Höllerer
Academy of Management Journal 53 (6), 1241-1262, 2010
Of bureaucrats and passionate public managers: Institutional logics, executive identities, and public service motivation
RE Meyer, I Egger-Peitler, MA Höllerer, G Hammerschmid
Public Administration 92 (4), 861-885, 2014
Does institutional theory need redirecting?
RE Meyer, MA Höllerer
Journal of Management Studies, 2014
When bureaucracy meets the crowd: Studying 'open government' in the Vienna city administration
M Kornberger, RE Meyer, C Brandtner, MA Höllerer
Organization Studies 38 (2), 179-200, 2017
Critical analysis of visual and multimodal texts
D Jancsary, MA Höllerer, RE Meyer
Methods of critical discourse studies, 180-204, 2016
The role of verbal and visual text in the process of institutionalization
RE Meyer, D Jancsary, MA Höllerer, E Boxenbaum
Academy of Management Review 43 (3), 1-26, 2018
What Theory Is and Can Be: Forms of Theorizing in Organizational Scholarship
J Cornelissen, MA Höllerer, D Seidl
Organization Theory 2 (3), 26317877211020328, 2021
From taken‐for‐granted to explicit commitment: The rise of CSR in a corporatist country
MA Höllerer
Journal of Management Studies 50 (4), 573-606, 2013
Laying a smoke screen: Ambiguity and neutralization as strategic responses to intra-institutional complexity
RE Meyer, MA Höllerer
Strategic Organization 14 (4), 373-406, 2016
‘A picture is worth a thousand words’: Multimodal sensemaking of the Global Financial Crisis
MA Höllerer, D Jancsary, M Grafström
Organization Studies, 2018
Unpacking the glocalization of organization: From term, to theory, to analysis
GS Drori, MA Höllerer, P Walgenbach
European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 1 (1), 85-99, 2014
Imageries of corporate social responsibility: Visual recontextualization and field-level meaning
MA Höllerer, D Jancsary, RE Meyer, O Vettori
Research in the Sociology of Organizations 39 (B), 139-174, 2013
Visual and multimodal research in organization and management studies
MA Höllerer, T van Leeuwen, D Jancsary, RE Meyer, TH Andersen, ...
Routledge, 2019
Global themes and local variations in organization and management: Perspectives on glocalization
GS Drori, MA Höllerer, P Walgenbach
Routledge, 2014
Rethinking the sharing economy: The nature and organization of sharing in the 2015 refugee crisis
M Kornberger, S Leixnering, RE Meyer, MA Höllerer
Academy of Management Discoveries, 2018
Envisioning the ‘sharing city’: Governance strategies for the sharing economy
S Vith, A Oberg, MA Höllerer, RE Meyer
Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4), 1023-1046, 2019
Institutional hybridity in public sector reform: Replacement, blending, or layering of administrative paradigms
T Polzer, RE Meyer, MA Höllerer, J Seiwald
Research in the Sociology of Organizations 48 (B), 69-99, 2016
The material and visual basis of institutions
C Jones, RE Meyer, D Jancsary, MA Höllerer
The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalism, 621-646, 2017
Multimodality, meaning, and institutions
MA Höllerer, T Daudigeos, D Jancsary
Emerald Publishing, 2018
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Articles 1–20