Amelia Mañá
Amelia Mañá
Profesora ayudante doctor, ERI Lectura, Universitat de Velència
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Cited by
Individual differences for self-regulating task-oriented reading activities.
E Vidal-Abarca, A Mañá, L Gil
Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (4), 817, 2010
Prueba de competencia lectora para educación secundaria (CompLEC)
ACL Tatay, LG Pelluch, EVA Gámez, TM Giménez, AM Lloriá, RG Pérez
Psicothema 23 (4), 808-817, 2011
Recording online processes in task-oriented reading with Read&Answer
E Vidal-Abarca, T Martinez, L Salmerón, R Cerdán, R Gilabert, L Gil, ...
Behavior research methods 43, 179-192, 2011
Papel de los procesos metacognitivos en una tarea de pregunta-respuesta contextos escritos
A Mañá, E Vidal-Abarca, C Domínguez, L Gil, R Cerdán
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 32 (4), 553-565, 2009
Individual differences in task-oriented reading.
E Vidal-Abarca, L Salmerón, A Mañá
IAP Information Age Publishing, 2011
TuinLEC, an intelligent tutoring system to improve reading literacy skills/TuinLEC, un tutor inteligente para mejorar la competencia lectora
E Vidal-Abarca, R Gilabert, A Ferrer, V Ávila, T Martínez, A Mañá, ...
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 37 (1), 25-56, 2014
READ-COGvid: a database from reading and media habits during COVID-19 confinement in Spain and Italy
L Salmerón, B Arfé, V Avila, R Cerdán, R De Sixte, P Delgado, I Fajardo, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 575241, 2020
Strategic decisions in task-oriented reading
L Salmerón, E Vidal-Abarca, T Martínez, A Mañá, L Gil, J Naumann
The Spanish journal of psychology 18, E102, 2015
Effect of delay on search decisions in a task-oriented reading environment
A Mañá, E Vidal-Abarca, L Salmerón
Metacognition and Learning 12, 113-130, 2017
Warm elaborated feedback. Exploring its benefits on post-feedback behaviour
R De Sixte, A Mañá, V Ávila, E Sánchez
Educational Psychology 40 (9), 1094-1112, 2020
TuinLEC, un tutor inteligente para mejorar la competencia lectora
E Vidal-Abarca Gámez, R Gilabert Pérez, A Ferrer, V Ávila Clemente, ...
Journal for the Study of Education and Development, Infancia y Aprendizaje …, 2014
Beyond the educational context: Relevance of intrinsic reading motivation during COVID-19 confinement in Spain
R De Sixte, I Fajardo, A Mañá, Á Jáñez, M Ramos, M García-Serrano, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 703251, 2021
'Método de evaluación dinámica automatizado'de competencias lectoras para educación secundaria (EdiLEC)
V Ávila Clemente, L Gil Pelluch, R Gilabert Pérez, A Maña Lloria, ...
Universitas psychologica 15 (1), 219-232, 2016
Intervención en las dificultades en competencia lectora
L Gil, MA Serrano, A Mañá, A Ferrer, V Avila
Quaderns digitals 71, 1-17, 2012
Reading strategies in task oriented reading: The case of PISA-like tasks
L Salmerón, E Vidal-Abarca, A Mana, T Martínez, L Gil, J Naumann
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2010
Read&Learn: A research tool to record online processing while learning
E Vidal-Abarca, T Martínez, MA Serrano, L Gil, A Mañá, I Máñez, A García, ...
Poster presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text …, 2018
The reading literacy test for secondary education (CompLEC)
AC Llorens Tatay, L Gil Pelluch, E Vidal-Abarca Gamez, ...
Psicothema 23 (4), 808-817, 2011
Do text availability and question format have an impact on on-line reading behavior and comprehension processes
A Ferrer, E Vidal-Abarca, V Ávila, A Mañá, A Llorens
20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, 2010
Print and digital reading habits and comprehension in children with and without special education needs
C Vargas, L Altamura, MC Blanco-Gandía, L Gil, A Mañá, S Montagud, ...
Research in Developmental Disabilities 146, 104675, 2024
Effect of delay on search decisions in a task-oriented reading environment. Metacognition and Learning, 12 (1), 113-130
A Mañá, E Vidal-Abarca, L Salmerón
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Articles 1–20