Ke Li
Cited by
Cited by
Proteome changes underpin improved meat quality and yield of chickens (Gallus gallus) fed the probiotic Enterococcus faecium
A Zheng, J Luo, K Meng, J Li, S Zhang, K Li, G Liu, H Cai, WL Bryden, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-14, 2014
Proteome changes in the intestinal mucosa of broiler (Gallus gallus) activated by probiotic Enterococcus faecium
J Luo, A Zheng, K Meng, W Chang, Y Bai, K Li, H Cai, G Liu, B Yao
Journal of proteomics 91, 226-241, 2013
Towards alleviating traffic congestion: Optimal route planning for massive-scale trips
K Li, L Chen, S Shang
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on International …, 2021
Biochemical characterization of three distinct polygalacturonases from Neosartorya fischeri P1
X Pan, K Li, R Ma, P Shi, H Huang, P Yang, K Meng, B Yao
Food chemistry 188, 569-575, 2015
Research on the pretreatment and mechanical performance of undisturbed phosphogypsum
L Zhang, A Zhang, K Li, Q Wang, Y Han, B Yao, X Gao, L Feng
Case Studies in Construction Materials 13, e00400, 2020
Traffic congestion alleviation over dynamic road networks: Continuous optimal route combination for trip query streams
K Li, L Chen, S Shang, P Kalnis, B Yao
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021
Strider: an adaptive, inference-enabled distributed RDF stream processing engine
X Ren, O Curé, L Ke, J Lhez, B Belabbess, T Randriamalala, Y Zheng, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10 (12), 1905-1908, 2017
Two thermophilic fungal pectinases from Neosartorya fischeri P1: Gene cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization
K Li, K Meng, X Pan, R Ma, P Yang, H Huang, B Yao, X Su
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 118, 70-78, 2015
Route search and planning: A survey
K Li, X Rao, XB Pang, L Chen, S Fan
Big data research 26, 100246, 2021
Towards robust trajectory similarity computation: Representation-based spatio-temporal similarity quantification
Z Chen, K Li, S Zhou, L Chen, S Shang
World Wide Web 26 (4), 1271-1294, 2023
Towards Controlling the Transmission of Diseases: Continuous Exposure Discovery over Massive-Scale Moving Objects.
K Li, L Chen, S Shang, H Wang, Y Liu, P Kalnis, B Yao
IJCAI, 3891-3897, 2022
StriderR: Massive and distributed RDF graph stream reasoning
X Ren, O Curé, H Naacke, J Lhez, K Li
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3358-3367, 2017
Deep understanding of big geospatial data for self-driving: Data, technologies, and systems
H Wang, J Feng, K Li, L Chen
Future Generation Computer Systems 137, 146-163, 2022
Relaxed group pattern detection over massive-scale trajectories
K Li, H Wang, Z Chen, L Chen
Future Generation Computer Systems 144, 131-139, 2023
An analytic graph data model and query language for exploring the evolution of science
K Li, H Naacke, B Amann
Big Data Research 26, 100247, 2021
EPIQUE: Extracting Meaningful Science Evolution Patterns from Large Document Archives.
K Li, H Naacke, B Amann
EDBT, 619-622, 2020
Few-shot relation extraction towards special interests
S Fan, B Zhang, S Zhou, M Wang, K Li
Big Data Research 26, 100273, 2021
Deep unified attention-based sequence modeling for online anomalous trajectory detection
C Wang, K Li, L Chen
Future Generation Computer Systems 144, 1-11, 2023
Exploring Topic Evolution in Large Scientific Archives with Pivot Graphs
K Li
Sorbonne Université, 2021
Exploring the Evolution of Science with Pivot Topic Graphs.
K Li, H Naacke, B Amann
EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 2020
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Articles 1–20