Viet Quoc Leu
Viet Quoc Leu
Ph.D. in Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
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Adaptive PID Speed Control Design for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives
JW Jung, VQ Leu, TD Do, EK Kim, HH Choi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (SCI, IF = 5.165), 1-1, 2014
Fuzzy sliding mode speed controller for PM synchronous motors with a load torque observer
VQ Leu, HH Choi, JW Jung
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (SCI, IF = 4.080) 27 (3), 1530-1539, 2012
Fuzzy PI-type current controllers for permanent magnet synchronous motors
JW Jung, YS Choi, VQ Leu, HH Choi
IET Electric Power Applications (SCI, IF = 1.562) 5 (1), 143-152, 2011
An adaptive voltage control strategy of three-phase inverter for standalone distributed generation systems
TD Do, VQ Leu, YS Choi, HH Choi, JW Jung
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (SCI, IF = 5.165) 60 (12), 5660-5672, 2013
Adaptive speed control of induction motor drive with inaccurate model
J Talla, VQ Leu, V Šmídl, Z Peroutka
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (11), 8532-8542, 2018
LMI-based sliding mode speed tracking control design for surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors
VQ Leu, HH Choi, JW Jung
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (SCIE, IF = 0.725) 7 (4), 513-523, 2012
Adaptive speed controller design for a permanent magnet synchronous motor
HH Choi, VQ Leu, YS Choi, JW Jung
IET Electric Power Applications (SCI, IF = 1.562) 5 (5), 457-464, 2011
Robust fuzzy neural network sliding mode control scheme for IPMSM drives
VQ Leu, F Mwasilu, HH Choi, J Lee, JW Jung
International Journal of Electronics (SCI, IF = 0.509), 1-20, 2013
Intelligent voltage control strategy for three-phase UPS inverters with output LC filter
JW Jung, VQ Leu, DQ Dang, TD Do, F Mwasilu, HH Choi
International Journal of Electronics 102 (8), 1267-1288, 2015
Sliding mode control of SPMSM drivers: an online gain tuning approach with unknown system parameters
JW Jung, VQ Leu, DQ Dang, HH Choi, TH Kim
Journal of Power Electronics 14 (5), 980-988, 2014
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