Malcolm Bauer
Malcolm Bauer
Senior UX Researcher, Workforce Logiq on assignment at Bloomberg LP
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Design for wearability
F Gemperle, C Kasabach, J Stivoric, M Bauer, R Martin
digest of papers. Second international symposium on wearable computers (cat …, 1998
Melding the power of serious games and embedded assessment to monitor and foster learning: Flow and grow
VJ Shute, M Ventura, M Bauer
Serious games, 317-343, 2009
How diagrams can improve reasoning
MI Bauer, PN Johnson-Laird
Psychological science 4 (6), 372-378, 1993
Conceptual clustering, categorization, and polymorphy
SJ Hanson, M Bauer
Machine Learning 3, 343-372, 1989
Psychometric considerations in game-based assessment
RJ Mislevy, A Oranje, MI Bauer, AA von Davier, J Hao
GlassLabGames, 2014
New directions in formative feedback in interactive learning environments
I Goldin, S Narciss, P Foltz, M Bauer
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 27, 385-392, 2017
Introduction to evidence centered design and lessons learned from its application in a global e-learning program
JT Behrens, RJ Mislevy, M Bauer, DM Williamson, R Levy
International Journal of Testing 4 (4), 295-301, 2004
Design rationale for a complex performance assessment
DM Williamson, M Bauer, LS Steinberg, RJ Mislevy, JT Behrens, ...
International Journal of Testing 4 (4), 303-332, 2004
A field usability evaluation of a wearable system
J Siegel, M Bauer
Digest of Papers. First International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 18-22, 1997
Psychometrics and game-based assessment
RJ Mislevy, S Corrigan, A Oranje, K DiCerbo, MI Bauer, A von Davier, ...
Technology and testing: Improving educational and psychological measurement …, 2016
Evidence-based approach to interacting with open student models
D Zapata-Rivera, E Hansen, VJ Shute, JS Underwood, M Bauer
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 17 (3), 273-303, 2007
Exploring the role of games in educational assessment
D Zapata-Rivera, M Bauer
Technology-based assessments for twenty-first-century skills: theoretical …, 2012
Taming log files from game/simulation‐based assessments: Data models and data analysis tools
J Hao, L Smith, R Mislevy, A von Davier, M Bauer
ETS Research Report Series 2016 (1), 1-17, 2016
Computational clothing and accessories
W Barfield, S Mann, K Baird, F Gemperle, C Kasabach, J Stivoric, M Bauer, ...
Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, Lawrence Erlbaum …, 2001
An application of exploratory data analysis in the development of game-based assessments
KE DiCerbo, M Bertling, S Stephenson, Y Jia, RJ Mislevy, M Bauer, ...
Serious games analytics: Methodologies for performance measurement …, 2015
English ABLE
D Zapata-Rivera, W Vanwinkle, V Shute, JS Underwood, M Bauer
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 158, 323, 2007
A validation framework for science learning progression research
H Jin, P van Rijn, JC Moore, MI Bauer, Y Pressler, N Yestness
International Journal of Science Education 41 (10), 1324-1346, 2019
The use of three learning progressions in supporting formative assessment in middle school mathematics
M Arieli-Attali, EC Wylie, MI Bauer
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver …, 2012
Modeling time-constrained learning in a highly interactive task
MI Bauer, BE John
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 1995
A learning progression for geometric transformations
JH Fife, K James, M Bauer
ETS Research Report Series 2019 (1), 1-16, 2019
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Articles 1–20