Stefan Schmid
Stefan Schmid
Ergon Informatik AG
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Cited by
LED-to-LED visible light communication networks
S Schmid, G Corbellini, S Mangold, TR Gross
Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2013
Connecting networks of toys and smartphones with visible light communication
G Corbellini, K Aksit, S Schmid, S Mangold, TR Gross
IEEE communications magazine 52 (7), 72-78, 2014
An LED-to-LED Visible Light Communication system with software-based synchronization
S Schmid, G Corbellini, S Mangold, TR Gross
2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 1264-1268, 2012
EnLighting: An indoor visible light communication system based on networked light bulbs
S Schmid, T Richner, S Mangold, TR Gross
2016 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2016
Continuous synchronization for LED-to-LED visible light communication networks
S Schmid, G Corbellini, S Mangold, TR Gross
2014 3rd International Workshop in Optical Wireless Communications (IWOW), 45-49, 2014
Linux light bulbs: Enabling internet protocol connectivity for light bulb networks
S Schmid, T Bourchas, S Mangold, TR Gross
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Visible Light …, 2015
Using consumer LED light bulbs for low-cost visible light communication systems
S Schmid, J Ziegler, G Corbellini, TR Gross, S Mangold
Proceedings of the 1st ACM MobiCom workshop on Visible light communication …, 2014
Networking smart toys with wireless toybridge and toytalk
S Schmid, M Gorlatova, D Giustiniano, V Vukadinovic, S Mangold
Poster Session, Infocom 2011, 2011
Using smartphones as continuous receivers in a visible light communication system
S Schmid, L Arquint, TR Gross
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems, 61-66, 2016
LED-to-LED visible light communication for mobile applications
G Corbellini, S Schmid, S Mangold, TR Gross, A Mkrtchyan
Demo at ACM SIGGRAPH Mobile, 2012
From sound to sight: Using audio processing to enable visible light communication
S Schmid, D Schwyn, K Akşit, G Corbellini, TR Gross, S Mangold
2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 518-523, 2014
Adaptive software-defined visible light communication networks
S Schmid, B von Deschwanden, S Mangold, TR Gross
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet-of-Things …, 2017
Reliable visibile light communication with dark light synchronization
SM Schmid, G Corbellini, TR Gross, S Mangold
US Patent 9,264,138, 2016
Two-way communication protocol using bluetooth low energy advertisement frames
G Corbellini, S Schmid, S Mangold
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Experiences with the Design …, 2015
(In) visible light communication: combining illumination and communication
S Schmid, J Ziegler, TR Gross, M Hitz, A Psarra, G Corbellini, S Mangold
ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Emerging Technologies, 1-1, 2014
Software-centric VLC networking for the IoT
TR Gross, S Mangold, S Schmid
2016 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), 62-63, 2016
Wireless LAN in paired radio spectrum with downlink-uplink separation
S Schmid, S Mangold, TR Gross
2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 3349-3354, 2014
Software-Defined Low-Complex Visible Light Communication Networks
SM Schmid
ETH Zurich, 2016
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Articles 1–18