Jim Buckley
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Cited by
Towards a taxonomy of software change
J Buckley, T Mens, M Zenger, A Rashid, G Kniesel
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 17 (5 …, 2005
Fast and frugal innovations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
M Harris, Y Bhatti, J Buckley, D Sharma
Nature Medicine 26 (6), 814-817, 2020
Taxonomy of centralization in public blockchain systems: A systematic literature review
AR Sai, J Buckley, B Fitzgerald, A Le Gear
Information Processing & Management 58 (4), 102584, 2021
A national survey of attitudes to COVID-19 digital contact tracing in the Republic of Ireland
ME O’Callaghan, J Buckley, B Fitzgerald, K Johnson, J Laffey, ...
Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971-) 190, 863-887, 2021
An empirical analysis of information retrieval based concept location techniques in software comprehension
B Cleary, C Exton, J Buckley, M English
Empirical Software Engineering 14, 93-130, 2009
Towards a taxonomy of software evolution
T Mens, J Buckley, M Zenger, A Rashid
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution, 2003
Architecture consistency: State of the practice, challenges and requirements
N Ali, S Baker, R O’Crowley, S Herold, J Buckley
Empirical Software Engineering 23, 224-258, 2018
A gamification–motivation design framework for educational software developers
J Buckley, T DeWille, C Exton, G Exton, L Murray
Journal of Educational Technology Systems 47 (1), 101-127, 2018
Decomposition of monolith applications into microservices architectures: A systematic review
Y Abgaz, A McCarren, P Elger, D Solan, N Lapuz, M Bivol, G Jackson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 49 (8), 4213-4242, 2023
Assessing architectural drift in commercial software development: a case study
J Rosik, A Le Gear, J Buckley, MA Babar, D Connolly
Software: Practice and Experience 41 (1), 63-86, 2011
Privacy and security analysis of cryptocurrency mobile applications
AR Sai, J Buckley, A Le Gear
2019 fifth conference on mobile and secure services (MobiSecServ), 1-6, 2019
Bloom's taxonomy: A framework for assessing programmers' knowledge of software systems
J Buckley, C Exton
11th IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension, 2003., 165-174, 2003
Expectation‐based, inference‐based, and bottom‐up software comprehension
MP O'Brien, J Buckley, TM Shaft
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 16 (6 …, 2004
JITTAC: a just-in-time tool for architectural consistency
J Buckley, S Mooney, J Rosik, N Ali
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 1291-1294, 2013
The state of empirical evaluation in static feature location
A Razzaq, A Wasala, C Exton, J Buckley
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 28 (1), 1-58, 2018
Spatial measures of software complexity.
CR Douce, PJ Layzell, J Buckley
PPIG, 6, 1999
Best practice guidance for digital contact tracing apps: a cross-disciplinary review of the literature
J O'Connell, M Abbas, S Beecham, J Buckley, M Chochlov, B Fitzgerald, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (6), e27753, 2021
An industrial case study of architecture conformance
J Rosik, A Le Gear, J Buckley, M Ali Babar
Proceedings of the Second ACM-IEEE international symposium on Empirical …, 2008
Characterizing wealth inequality in cryptocurrencies
AR Sai, J Buckley, A Le Gear
Frontiers in Blockchain 4, 730122, 2021
Inference-based and expectation-based processing in program comprehension
MP O'Brien, J Buckley
Proceedings 9th International Workshop on Program Comprehension. IWPC 2001 …, 2001
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Articles 1–20