Organization of mammalian locomotor rhythm and pattern generation DA McCrea, IA Rybak Brain research reviews 57 (1), 134-146, 2008 | 861 | 2008 |
Modelling spinal circuitry involved in locomotor pattern generation: insights from deletions during fictive locomotion IA Rybak, NA Shevtsova, M Lafreniere‐Roula, DA McCrea The Journal of physiology 577 (2), 617-639, 2006 | 560 | 2006 |
Ankle extensor group I afferents excite extensors throughout the hindlimb during fictive locomotion in the cat. P Guertin, MJ Angel, MC Perreault, DA McCrea The Journal of Physiology 487 (1), 197-209, 1995 | 339 | 1995 |
Modelling spinal circuitry involved in locomotor pattern generation: insights from the effects of afferent stimulation IA Rybak, K Stecina, NA Shevtsova, DA McCrea The Journal of physiology 577 (2), 641-658, 2006 | 328 | 2006 |
Spinal circuitry of sensorimotor control of locomotion DA McCrea The Journal of physiology 533 (1), 41-50, 2001 | 325 | 2001 |
Tapping into spinal circuits to restore motor function H Barbeau, DA McCrea, MJ O'Donovan, S Rossignol, WM Grill, ... Brain Research Reviews 30 (1), 27-51, 1999 | 283 | 1999 |
Deletions of rhythmic motoneuron activity during fictive locomotion and scratch provide clues to the organization of the mammalian central pattern generator M Lafreniere-Roula, DA McCrea Journal of neurophysiology 94 (2), 1120-1132, 2005 | 268 | 2005 |
4 Spinal Cord Circuitry and Motor Reflexes DA McCREA Exercise and sport sciences reviews 14 (1), 105-142, 1986 | 235 | 1986 |
Disynaptic group I excitation of synergist ankle extensor motoneurones during fictive locomotion in the cat. DA McCrea, SJ Shefchyk, MJ Stephens, KG Pearson The Journal of Physiology 487 (2), 527-539, 1995 | 190 | 1995 |
Modeling the mammalian locomotor CPG: insights from mistakes and perturbations DA McCrea, IA Rybak Progress in brain research 165, 235-253, 2007 | 167 | 2007 |
Inhibitory interactions between interneurones in reflex pathways from group Ia and group Ib afferents in the cat. E Brink, E Jankowska, DA McCrea, B Skoog The Journal of Physiology 343 (1), 361-373, 1983 | 167 | 1983 |
A differential synaptic input to the motor nuclei of triceps surae from the caudal and lateral cutaneous sural nerves LA LaBella, JP Kehler, DA McCrea Journal of Neurophysiology 61 (2), 291-301, 1989 | 162 | 1989 |
Post‐synaptic potentials in a population of motoneurones following activity of single interneurones in the cat. E Brink, PJ Harrison, E Jankowska, DA McCrea, B Skoog The Journal of Physiology 343 (1), 341-359, 1983 | 160 | 1983 |
Synaptic connections from large muscle afferents to the motoneurons of various leg muscles in man CC Mao, P Ashby, M Wang, D McCrea Experimental brain research 56, 341-350, 1984 | 155 | 1984 |
Control of locomotor cycle durations S Yakovenko, DA McCrea, K Stecina, A Prochazka Journal of neurophysiology 94 (2), 1057-1065, 2005 | 151 | 2005 |
Effects of stimulation of hindlimb flexor group II afferents during fictive locomotion in the cat. MC Perreault, MJ Angel, P Guertin, DA McCrea The Journal of physiology 487 (1), 211-220, 1995 | 151 | 1995 |
Can sense be made of spinal interneuron circuits? DA McCrea Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15, 633-633, 1992 | 144 | 1992 |
Shared reflex pathways from Ib tendon organ afferents and Ia muscle spindle afferents in the cat. E Jankowska, DA McCrea The Journal of physiology 338 (1), 99-111, 1983 | 132 | 1983 |
Group I extensor afferents evoke disynaptic EPSPs in cat hindlimb extensor motorneurones during fictive locomotion. MJ Angel, P Guertin, T Jimenez, DA McCrea The Journal of Physiology 494 (3), 851-861, 1996 | 125 | 1996 |
Renshaw cell activity and recurrent effects on motoneurons during fictive locomotion. DA McCrea, CA Pratt, LM Jordan Journal of Neurophysiology 44 (3), 475-488, 1980 | 124 | 1980 |