Saket Anand
Cited by
Cited by
Contextual Diversity for Active Learning
S Agarwal, H Arora, S Anand, C Arora
European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020
Semi-Supervised Kernel Mean Shift Clustering
S Anand, S Mittal, O Tuzel, P Meer
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 36 (6), 1201 …, 2014
Disentangling factors of variation with cycle-consistent variational auto-encoders
AH Jha, S Anand, M Singh, VSR Veeravasarapu
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 805-820, 2018
BIRDSAI: A dataset for detection and tracking in aerial thermal infrared videos
E Bondi, R Jain, P Aggrawal, S Anand, R Hannaford, A Kapoor, J Piavis, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2020
Pseudo rgb-d for self-improving monocular slam and depth prediction
L Tiwari, P Ji, QH Tran, B Zhuang, S Anand, M Chandraker
European conference on computer vision, 437-455, 2020
Generalized projection-based M-estimator
S Mittal, S Anand, P Meer
IEEE transactions on Pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (12), 2351 …, 2012
Automatic detection and recognition of individuals in patterned species
GS Cheema, S Anand
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2017
Modeling functional similarity in source code with graph-based siamese networks
N Mehrotra, N Agarwal, P Gupta, S Anand, D Lo, R Purandare
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 48 (10), 3771-3789, 2021
Adversarial Learning of Raw Speech Features for Domain Invariant Speech Recognition
A Tripathi, A Mohan, S Anand, M Singh
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2018
Semi-supervised clustering using neural networks
A Shukla, GS Cheema, S Anand
IEEE Sixth International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), 2020
Product of orthogonal spheres parameterization for disentangled representation learning
A Shukla, S Bhagat, S Uppal, S Anand, P Turaga
30th British Machine Vision Conference 2019, {BMVC} 2019, Cardiff, UK …, 2019
Geometry of deep generative models for disentangled representations
A Shukla, S Uppal, S Bhagat, S Anand, P Turaga
Proceedings of the 11th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and …, 2018
Experimental analysis of sequential decision making algorithms for port of entry inspection procedures
S Anand, D Madigan, R Mammone, S Pathak, F Roberts
Intelligence and Security Informatics: IEEE International Conference on …, 2006
Symmetric -Means for Deep Neural Network Compression and Hardware Acceleration on FPGAs
A Jain, P Goel, S Aggarwal, A Fell, S Anand
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 14 (4), 737-749, 2020
Generalized projection based m-estimator: Theory and applications
S Mittal, S Anand, P Meer
CVPR 2011, 2689-2696, 2011
Learning hierarchy aware features for reducing mistake severity
A Garg, D Sani, S Anand
European Conference on Computer Vision, 252-267, 2022
Hiermatch: Leveraging label hierarchies for improving semi-supervised learning
A Garg, S Bagga, Y Singh, S Anand
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2022
Does data repair lead to fair models? curating contextually fair data to reduce model bias
S Agarwal, S Muku, S Anand, C Arora
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2022
Development and validation of high definition phenotype-based mortality prediction in critical care units
Y Sun, R Kaur, S Gupta, R Paul, R Das, SJ Cho, S Anand, JJ Boutilier, ...
JAMIA open 4 (1), ooab004, 2021
A hybrid approach to tiger re-identification
A Shukla, G Sigh Cheema, P Gao, S Onda, D Anshumaan, S Anand, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
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Articles 1–20