Strategies for microsatellite isolation: a review L Zane, L Bargelloni, T Patarnello Molecular ecology 11 (1), 1-16, 2002 | 2688 | 2002 |
Mitochondrial cytochrome b: evolution and structure of the protein M Degli Esposti, S De Vries, M Crimi, A Ghelli, T Patarnello, A Meyer Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1143 (3), 243-271, 1993 | 624 | 1993 |
Pillars of Hercules: is the Atlantic–Mediterranean transition a phylogeographical break? T Patarnello, FAMJ Volckaert, R Castilho Molecular ecology 16 (21), 4426-4444, 2007 | 623 | 2007 |
Ancient climate change, antifreeze, and the evolutionary diversification of Antarctic fishes TJ Near, A Dornburg, KL Kuhn, JT Eastman, JN Pennington, T Patarnello, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (9), 3434-3439, 2012 | 327 | 2012 |
Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certification EE Nielsen, A Cariani, EM Aoidh, GE Maes, I Milano, R Ogden, M Taylor, ... Nature communications 3 (1), 851, 2012 | 279 | 2012 |
Differential population structuring of two closely related fish species, the mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), in the … R Zardoya, R Castilho, C Grande, L Favre‐Krey, S Caetano, S Marcato, ... Molecular ecology 13 (7), 1785-1798, 2004 | 231 | 2004 |
Outlier SNP markers reveal fine‐scale genetic structuring across European hake populations (Merluccius merluccius) I Milano, M Babbucci, A Cariani, M Atanassova, D Bekkevold, ... Molecular ecology 23 (1), 118-135, 2014 | 230 | 2014 |
Molecular evolution at subzero temperatures: mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies of fishes from Antarctica (suborder Notothenioidei), and the evolution of antifreeze … L Bargelloni, PA Ritchie, T Patarnello, B Battaglia, DM Lambert, A Meyer Molecular Biology and Evolution 11 (6), 854-863, 1994 | 228 | 1994 |
Discord in the family Sparidae (Teleostei): divergent phylogeographical patterns across the Atlantic–Mediterranean divide L Bargelloni, JA Alarcon, MC Alvarez, E Penzo, A Magoulas, C Reis, ... Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16 (6), 1149-1158, 2003 | 206 | 2003 |
Mitochondrial phylogeny of notothenioids: a molecular approach to Antarctic fish evolution and biogeography L Bargelloni, S Marcato, L Zane, T Patarnello Systematic Biology 49 (1), 114-129, 2000 | 192 | 2000 |
Characterization of the Myostatin Gene in the Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata): Sequence, Genomic Structure, and Expression Pattern L Maccatrozzo, L Bargelloni, G Radaelli, F Mascarello, T Patarnello Marine Biotechnology 3, 224-230, 2001 | 171 | 2001 |
Mitochondrial DNA reveals a mosaic pattern of phylogeographical structure in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) A Magoulas, R Castilho, S Caetano, S Marcato, T Patarnello Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 39 (3), 734-746, 2006 | 164 | 2006 |
Genetic differentiation in the winter pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa — wilkinsoni complex), inferred by AFLP and mitochondrial DNA markers P Salvato, A Battisti, S Concato, L Masutti, T Patarnello, L Zane Molecular Ecology 11 (11), 2435-2444, 2002 | 159 | 2002 |
Determination of microbial diversity of Aeromonas strains on the basis of multilocus sequence typing, phenotype, and presence of putative virulence genes ME Martino, L Fasolato, F Montemurro, M Rosteghin, A Manfrin, ... Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (14), 4986-5000, 2011 | 154 | 2011 |
Gene transcription and biomarker responses in the clam Ruditapes philippinarum after exposure to ibuprofen M Milan, M Pauletto, T Patarnello, L Bargelloni, MG Marin, V Matozzo Aquatic toxicology 126, 17-29, 2013 | 150 | 2013 |
Transcriptome sequencing and microarray development for the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum: genomic tools for environmental monitoring M Milan, A Coppe, R Reinhardt, LM Cancela, RB Leite, C Saavedra, ... BMC genomics 12, 1-18, 2011 | 147 | 2011 |
A Genetic Linkage Map of the Hermaphrodite Teleost Fish Sparus aurata L. R Franch, B Louro, M Tsalavouta, D Chatziplis, CS Tsigenopoulos, ... Genetics 174 (2), 851-861, 2006 | 145 | 2006 |
A novel second myostatin gene is present in teleost fish L Maccatrozzo, L Bargelloni, B Cardazzo, G Rizzo, T Patarnello Febs Letters 509 (1), 36-40, 2001 | 140 | 2001 |
Genetic differentiation in a pelagic crustacean (Meganyctiphanes norvegica: Euphausiacea) from the North East Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea L Zane, L Ostellari, L Maccatrozzo, L Bargelloni, J Cuzin-Roudy, ... Marine Biology 136, 191-199, 2000 | 139 | 2000 |
Identification of interspecific hybrids by amplified fragment length polymorphism: the case of sturgeon L Congiu, I Dupanloup, T Patarnello, F Fontana, R Rossi, G Arlati, L Zane Molecular Ecology 10 (9), 2355-2359, 2001 | 138 | 2001 |