Roberto Croce
Roberto Croce
ETHZ, Switzerland
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Cited by
Permeability of textile reinforcements: Simulation, influence of shear and validation
B Verleye, R Croce, M Griebel, M Klitz, SV Lomov, G Morren, H Sol, ...
Composites science and technology 68 (13), 2804-2810, 2008
Numerical simulation of bubble and droplet deformation by a level set approach with surface tension in three dimensions
R Croce, M Griebel, MA Schweitzer
International Journal for numerical methods in fluids 62 (9), 963-993, 2010
A parallel level-set approach for two-phase flow problems with surface tension in three space dimensions
R Croce, M Griebel, MA Schweitzer
SFB 611, 2004
Computation of permeability of textile reinforcements
B Verleye, M Klitz, R Croce, D Roose, SV Lomov, I Verpoest, P Borne, ...
Proceedings of the 17th IMACS world congres, CD-edition, 1-06, 2005
Parallel-in-space-and-time simulation of the three-dimensional, unsteady Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flow
R Croce, D Ruprecht, R Krause
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes-HPSC 2012 …, 2014
Predicting the permeability of textile reinforcements via a hybrid Navier–Stokes/Brinkman solver
B Verleye, M Klitz, R Croce, M Griebel, S Lomov, D Roose, I Verpoest
Proceedings of the eight international conference on flow processes in …, 2006
Ein paralleler, dreidimensionaler Navier-Stokes-Löser für inkompressible Zweiphasenströmungen mit Oberflächenspannung, Hindernissen und dynamischen Kontaktflöchen
R Croce
Inst. für Angewandte Math. der Univ., 2002
Numerische Simulation der Interaktion von inkompressiblen Zweiphasenströmungen mit Starrkörpern in drei Raumdimensionen
R Croce
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2010
The modelling of odour dispersion with time-resolved models
P Boeker, O Wallenfang, F Koster, R Croce, B Diekmann, M Griebel, ...
Agrartechnische Forschung 6 (4), E84-E89, 2000
A parallel 3D free surface Navier-Stokes solver for high performance computing at the German waterways administration
J Strybny, C Thorenz, R Croce, M Engel
The 7th international conference on hydroscience and engineering (ICHE-2006 …, 2006
Simulating organogenesis in comsol: phase-field based simulations of embryonic lung branching morphogenesis
LD Wittwer, R Croce, S Aland, D Iber
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.09189, 2016
Computation of the Permeability of Textiles
B Verleye, M Klitz, R Croce, D Roose, SV Lomov, I Verpoest
SFB 611, 2006
Solving a Bernoulli type free boundary problem with random diffusion
R Brügger, R Croce, H Harbrecht
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 26, 56, 2020
Numerical investigations of the role of curvature in strong segregation problems on a given surface
FE Baginski, R Croce, S Gillmor, R Krause
Applied Mathematics and Computation 227, 399-411, 2014
Computation of the Permeability of Textiles; erscheint in
B Verleye, M Klitz, R Croce, D Roose, S Lomov, I Verpoest
Springer Verlag,“Computational Textile”, edited by: Xianyi Zeng, Yi Li, Da …, 0
A massive parallel fast marching method
P Kotas, R Croce, V Poletti, V Vondrak, R Krause
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXII, 311-318, 2016
Numerical simulation of droplet-deformation by a level set approach with surface tension
R Croce, M Griebel, MA Schweitzer
SFB 611, 2008
Ausbreitungsmodellierung von Gerüchen mit zeitaufgelösten Modellen
P Boeker, O Wallenfang, F Koster, R Croce, B Diekmann, M Griebel, ...
Agrartechnische Forschung 6 (4), 2000
Solving a free boundary problem with nonconstant coefficients
R Brügger, R Croce, H Harbrecht
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41 (10), 3653-3671, 2018
A new massive parallel fast-marching algorithm for signed distance computations with respect to complex triangulated surfaces
R Croce, P Kotas, R Krause, V Poletti
Preprint 201314, 2013
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Articles 1–20