Nguyen Trong Quan
Nguyen Trong Quan
MSCA Doctoral Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK
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Cited by
Using Machine Learning Models for Predicting the Water Quality Index in the La Buong River, Vietnam
DN Khoi, NT Quan, DQ Linh, PTT Nhi, NTD Thuy
Water 14 (10), 1552, 2022
Impact of climate change on meteorological, hydrological and agricultural droughts in the Lower Mekong River Basin: A case study of the Srepok Basin, Vietnam
TT Sam, DN Khoi, NTT Thao, PTT Nhi, NT Quan, NX Hoan, VT Nguyen
Water and Environment Journal 33 (4), 547-559, 2019
Spatiotemporal Trend Analysis of Precipitation Extremes in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam During 1980–2017
NT Quan
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 11 (5), 2020
Impact of Climate Change on Precipitation Extremes over Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
DN Khoi, N Trong Quan, P Thi Thao Nhi, VT Nguyen
Water 13 (2), 120, 2021
Uncertainty assessment for climate change impact on streamflow and water quality in the Dong Nai River Basin, Vietnam
DN Khoi, TT Sam, PTT Nhi, NT Quan, BV Hung, NK Phung, N Van Thinh
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2019, 366-373, 2019
Xây dựng đường cong IDF mưa cực đoan cho trạm Tân Sơn Ḥa giai đoạn 1980–2015
NT Quân, PTT Nhi, ĐN Khôi
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 20 (M2-2017), 2017
Numerical Modeling of Nearshore Wave Transformation and Breaking Processes in the Yellow River Delta with FUNWAVE-TVD Wave Model
QT Nguyen, M Mao, M Xia
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (7), 1380, 2023
Đánh giá ảnh hưởng của biến đổi khí hậu đến mối liên hệ cường độ-chu kỳ-tần suất (IDF) của mưa cực đoan tại trạm Tân Sơn Ḥa
NT Quân, PTT Nhi, ĐN Khôi
Khí tượng thủy văn 10, 2017
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Articles 1–8