Kevin Schneider
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Cited by
Impacts assessment of plug-in hybrid vehicles on electric utilities and regional US power grids, Part 1: Technical analysis
M Kintner-Meyer, K Schneider, R Pratt
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1, 1-20, 2007
Microgrid stability definitions, analysis, and examples
M Farrokhabadi, CA Cañizares, JW Simpson-Porco, E Nasr, L Fan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (1), 13-29, 2019
Analytic considerations and design basis for the IEEE distribution test feeders
KP Schneider, BA Mather, BC Pal, CW Ten, GJ Shirek, H Zhu, JC Fuller, ...
IEEE Transactions on power systems 33 (3), 3181-3188, 2017
GridLAB-D: An open-source power systems modeling and simulation environment
DP Chassin, K Schneider, C Gerkensmeyer
2008 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 1-5, 2008
Microgrids for service restoration to critical load in a resilient distribution system
Y Xu, CC Liu, KP Schneider, FK Tuffner, DT Ton
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (1), 426-437, 2016
Distribution system restoration with microgrids using spanning tree search
J Li, XY Ma, CC Liu, KP Schneider
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (6), 3021-3029, 2014
Impact assessment of plug-in hybrid vehicles on pacific northwest distribution systems
K Schneider, C Gerkensmeyer, M Kintner-Meyer, R Fletcher
2008 IEEE power and energy society general meeting-conversion and delivery …, 2008
Evaluation of conservation voltage reduction (CVR) on a national level
KP Schneider, JC Fuller, FK Tuffner, R Singh
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2010
A comparative study of two widely used grid-forming droop controls on microgrid small-signal stability
W Du, Z Chen, KP Schneider, RH Lasseter, SP Nandanoori, FK Tuffner, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8 (2), 963-975, 2019
Initial review of methods for cascading failure analysis in electric power transmission systems IEEE PES CAMS task force on understanding, prediction, mitigation and …
R Baldick, B Chowdhury, I Dobson, Z Dong, B Gou, D Hawkins, H Huang, ...
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008
Feasibility studies of applying Kalman filter techniques to power system dynamic state estimation
Z Huang, K Schneider, J Nieplocha
2007 International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC 2007), 376-382, 2007
Coordinating multiple sources for service restoration to enhance resilience of distribution systems
Y Wang, Y Xu, J He, CC Liu, KP Schneider, M Hong, DT Ton
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (5), 5781-5793, 2019
Evaluating the feasibility to use microgrids as a resiliency resource
KP Schneider, FK Tuffner, MA Elizondo, CC Liu, Y Xu, D Ton
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (2), 687-696, 2016
Modern grid initiative distribution taxonomy final report
KP Schneider, Y Chen, DP Chassin, RG Pratt, DW Engel, SE Thompson
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2008
Voltage control devices on the IEEE 8500 node test feeder
KP Schneider, JC Fuller
IEEE PES T&D 2010, 1-6, 2010
Modeling of grid-forming and grid-following inverters for dynamic simulation of large-scale distribution systems
W Du, FK Tuffner, KP Schneider, RH Lasseter, J Xie, Z Chen, B Bhattarai
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 36 (4), 2035-2045, 2020
Analysis of residential demand response and double-auction markets
JC Fuller, KP Schneider, D Chassin
2011 IEEE power and energy society general meeting, 1-7, 2011
Placement of remote-controlled switches to enhance distribution system restoration capability
Y Xu, CC Liu, KP Schneider, DT Ton
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (2), 1139-1150, 2015
Controlled partitioning of a power network considering real and reactive power balance
J Li, CC Liu, KP Schneider
IEEE Transactions on Smart grid 1 (3), 261-269, 2010
Bi-level volt-var optimization to coordinate smart inverters with voltage control devices
RR Jha, A Dubey, CC Liu, KP Schneider
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (3), 1801-1813, 2019
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Articles 1–20