Laurent Risser
Laurent Risser
CNRS - Toulouse Mathematics Institute - ANITI
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Diffeomorphic 3D image registration via geodesic shooting using an efficient adjoint calculation
FX Vialard, L Risser, D Rueckert, CJ Cotter
International Journal of Computer Vision 97, 229-241, 2012
Spatially adaptive mixture modeling for analysis of fMRI time series
T Vincent, L Risser, P Ciuciu
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 29 (4), 1059-1074, 2010
From homogeneous to fractal normal and tumorous microvascular networks in the brain
L Risser, F Plouraboué, A Steyer, P Cloetens, G Le Duc, C Fonta
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 27 (2), 293-303, 2007
Simultaneous multi-scale registration using large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping
L Risser, FX Vialard, R Wolz, M Murgasova, DD Holm, D Rueckert
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 30 (10), 1746-1759, 2011
An implicit sliding-motion preserving regularisation via bilateral filtering for deformable image registration
BW Papież, MP Heinrich, J Fehrenbach, L Risser, JA Schnabel
Medical image analysis 18 (8), 1299-1311, 2014
Piecewise-diffeomorphic image registration: Application to the motion estimation between 3D CT lung images with sliding conditions
L Risser, FX Vialard, HY Baluwala, JA Schnabel
Medical image analysis 17 (2), 182-193, 2013
A 3D-investigation shows that angiogenesis in primate cerebral cortex mainly occurs at capillary level
L Risser, F Plouraboué, P Cloetens, C Fonta
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 27 (2), 185-196, 2009
A survey of bias in machine learning through the prism of statistical parity
P Besse, E del Barrio, P Gordaliza, JM Loubes, L Risser
The American Statistician 76 (2), 188-198, 2022
Gap filling of 3-D microvascular networks by tensor voting
L Risser, F Plouraboué, X Descombes
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 27 (5), 674-687, 2008
Motion correction and parameter estimation in dceMRI sequences: application to colorectal cancer
M Bhushan, JA Schnabel, L Risser, MP Heinrich, JM Brady, M Jenkinson
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2011: 14th …, 2011
Hybrid feature-based diffeomorphic registration for tumor tracking in 2-D liver ultrasound images
A Cifor, L Risser, D Chung, EM Anderson, JA Schnabel
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 32 (9), 1647-1656, 2013
Simultaneous fine and coarse diffeomorphic registration: application to atrophy measurement in Alzheimer’s disease
L Risser, FX Vialard, R Wolz, DD Holm, D Rueckert
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2010: 13th …, 2010
Cochlear shape reveals that the human organ of hearing is sex-typed from birth
J Braga, C Samir, L Risser, J Dumoncel, D Descouens, JF Thackeray, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 10889, 2019
Active learning for hyperspectral image classification: A comparative review
R Thoreau, V Achard, L Risser, B Berthelot, X Briottet
IEEE geoscience and remote sensing magazine 10 (3), 256-278, 2022
Mixture of kernels and iterated semidirect product of diffeomorphisms groups
M Bruveris, L Risser, FX Vialard
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 10 (4), 1344-1368, 2012
Transport-based counterfactual models
L De Lara, A González-Sanz, N Asher, L Risser, JM Loubes
Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (136), 1-59, 2024
A DCE-MRI driven 3-D reaction-diffusion model of solid tumor growth
T Roque, L Risser, V Kersemans, S Smart, D Allen, P Kinchesh, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (3), 724-732, 2017
Automatic segmentation of breast MR images through a Markov random field statistical model
S Ribes, D Didierlaurent, N Decoster, E Gonneau, L Risser, V Feillel, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 33 (10), 1986-1996, 2014
Longitudinal deformation models, spatial regularizations and learning strategies to quantify Alzheimer's disease progression
JB Fiot, H Raguet, L Risser, LD Cohen, J Fripp, FX Vialard, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 4, 718-729, 2014
Coupling and robustness of intra-cortical vascular territories
R Guibert, C Fonta, L Risser, F Plouraboué
NeuroImage 62 (1), 408-417, 2012
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Articles 1–20