Liam O'Brien
Cited by
Cited by
Hypothalamic abnormalities in schizophrenia: sex effects and genetic vulnerability
JM Goldstein, LJ Seidman, N Makris, T Ahern, LM O’Brien, ...
Biological psychiatry 61 (8), 935-945, 2007
Quality attributes for service-oriented architectures
L O'Brien, P Merson, L Bass
International Workshop on Systems Development in SOA Environments (SDSOA'07 …, 2007
Service-oriented migration and reuse technique (smart)
G Lewis, E Morris, D Smith, L O'Brien
13th IEEE International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering …, 2005
A framework for software product line practice, version 5.0
L Northrop, P Clements, F Bachmann, J Bergey, G Chastek, S Cohen, ...
SEI.–2007–http://www. sei. cmu. edu/productlines/index. html, 2007
On a catalogue of metrics for evaluating commercial cloud services
Z Li, L O'brien, H Zhang, R Cai
2012 ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Grid Computing, 164-173, 2012
On evaluating commercial cloud services: A systematic review
Z Li, H Zhang, L O’Brien, R Cai, S Flint
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (9), 2371-2393, 2013
Architecture reconstruction guidelines
R Kazman, L O'Brien, C Verhoef
Carnegie Mellon University, 2001
Integrating the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) with the cost benefit analysis method (CBAM)
R Nord, MR Barbacci, PC Clements, R Kazman, MH Klein, L O'Brien, ...
Carnegie Mellon University, 2003
Towards a taxonomy of performance evaluation of commercial Cloud services
Z Li, L OBrien, R Cai, H Zhang
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing, 344-351, 2012
MAP-mining architectures for product line evaluations
C Stoermer, L O'Brien
Proceedings Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 35-44, 2001
Software architecture reconstruction: Practice needs and current approaches
L O'Brien, C Stoermer, C Verhoef
Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute, 2002
Autonomic computing
HA Müller, L O’Brien, M Klein, B Wood
Technical Note by Carnegie Mellon University 443443, 2006
Moving towards quality attribute driven software architecture reconstruction
C Stoermer, L O'Brien, C Verhoef
10th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2003. WCRE 2003. Proceedings …, 2003
Supporting migration to services using software architecture reconstruction
L O'Brien, D Smith, G Lewis
13th IEEE International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering …, 2005
A framework for scope, cost and effort estimation for service oriented architecture (SOA) projects
L O'Brien
2009 Australian Software Engineering Conference, 101-110, 2009
Spot pricing in the Cloud ecosystem: A comparative investigation
Z Li, H Zhang, L O’Brien, S Jiang, Y Zhou, M Kihl, R Ranjan
Journal of Systems and Software 114, 1-19, 2016
Business transformation to SOA: aspects of the migration and performance and QoS issues
L O'Brien, P Brebner, J Gray
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Systems development in SOA …, 2008
Model-driven derivation of product architectures
G Botterweck, L O'Brien, S Thiel
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2007
An architecture for interoperable program understanding tools
S Woods, L O'Brien, T Lin, K Gallagher, A Quilici
Proceedings. 6th International Workshop on Program Comprehension. IWPC'98 …, 1998
Assessment of trunk muscle density using CT and its association with degenerative disc and facet joint disease of the lumbar spine
R Sebro, L O’Brien, M Torriani, MA Bredella
Skeletal radiology 45, 1221-1226, 2016
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Articles 1–20