Domhnall Finch
Cited by
Cited by
Traffic noise playback reduces the activity and feeding behaviour of free-living bats
D Finch, H Schofield, F Mathews
Environmental Pollution 263, 114405, 2020
Implications of Endectocide Residues on the Survival of Aphodiine Dung Beetles: A Meta‐Analysis
D Finch, H Schofield, KD Floate, LM Kubasiewicz, F Mathews
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39 (4), 863-872, 2020
Modelling the functional connectivity of landscapes for greater horseshoe bats Rhinolophus ferrumequinum at a local scale
D Finch, DP Corbacho, H Schofield, S Davison, PGR Wright, ...
Landscape Ecology 35 (3), 577-589, 2020
Effects of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on European Hedgehog Activity at Supplementary Feeding Stations
D Finch, BR Smith, C Marshall, FG Coomber, LM Kubasiewicz, ...
Animals 10 (5), 768, 2020
Habitat Associations of Bats in an Agricultural Landscape: Linear Features Versus Open Habitats
D Finch, H Schofield, F Mathews
Animals 10 (10), 1856, 2020
Social networks of the greater horseshoe bat during the hibernation season: a landscape-scale case study
D Finch, H Schofield, JA Firth, F Mathews
Animal Behaviour 188, 25-34, 2022
Saxon Wasp (Dolichovespula saxonica Fabricius) (Hymenoptera Vespidae) a social wasp species new to Ireland
KFD Finch
Irish Naturalists' Journal 37 (1), 56-58, 2020
Characterising the relationship between suitable habitat and gene flow for Myotis bechsteinii and Eptesicus serotinus in Britain
PGR Wright, C Bellamy, PB Hamilton, H Schofield, D Finch, F Mathews
Landscape Ecology 36 (12), 3419-3428, 2021
A comparison between the butterfly communities on cutaway peatland habitats
D Finch, AS Copland, M Kelly, BJ McMahon
The Irish Naturalists' Journal 31 (1), 44-49, 2016
Informing Landscape-Scale Management of the Greater Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
D Finch
University of Sussex, 2020
Implications of Endectocide Residues on the Survival of Aphodiine Dung
D Finch, H Schofield, KD Floate, LM Kubasiewicz, F Mathews
VWT: Vincent Wildlife Trust, 2020
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Articles 1–11