Judith Dijk
Judith Dijk
Senior research scientist, TNO, the Netherlands
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Cited by
Manipulation of core body and skin temperature improves vigilance and maintenance of wakefulness in narcolepsy
R Fronczek, RJEM Raymann, N Romeijn, S Overeem, M Fischer, JG Dijk, ...
Sleep 31 (2), 233-240, 2008
A new sharpness measure based on Gaussian lines and edges
J Dijk, M van Ginkel, RJ van Asselt, LJ van Vliet, PW Verbeek
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 10th International Conference …, 2003
Real-time tracking and fast retrieval of persons in multiple surveillance cameras of a shopping mall
H Bouma, J Baan, S Landsmeer, C Kruszynski, G van Antwerpen, J Dijk
Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and …, 2013
Turbulence compensation: an overview
AWM van Eekeren, K Schutte, J Dijk, PBW Schwering, M van Iersel, ...
Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XXIII 8355 …, 2012
Automatic detection of suspicious behavior of pickpockets with track-based features in a shopping mall
H Bouma, J Baan, GJ Burghouts, PT Eendebak, JR van Huis, J Dijk, ...
Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, and Defence X …, 2014
Super-resolution on moving objects and background
A Van Eekeren, K Schutte, J Dijk, D De Lange, LJ Van Vliet
2006 International Conference on Image Processing, 2709-2712, 2006
Closed form solution for the scale ambiguity problem in monocular visual odometry
I Esteban, L Dorst, J Dijk
International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 665-679, 2010
Augmenting full colour-fused multi-band night vision imagery with synthetic imagery in real-time
A Toet, MA Hogervorst, R van Son, J Dijk
International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 2 (4), 287-308, 2011
Precise local blur estimation based on the first-order derivative
H Bouma, J Dijk, AWM van Eekeren
Visual Information Processing XXI 8399, 35-42, 2012
Fit3d toolbox: multiple view geometry and 3d reconstruction for matlab
I Esteban, J Dijk, F Groen
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications IV …, 2010
The art of csi: An augmented reality tool (art) to annotate crime scenes in forensic investigation
JW Streefkerk, M Houben, P van Amerongen, F ter Haar, J Dijk
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Systems and Applications: 5th …, 2013
Superresolution reconstruction for moving point target detection
J Dijk, AWM van Eekeren, K Schutte, DJJ de Lange, LJ van Vliet
Optical Engineering 47 (9), 096401-096401-12, 2008
Target acquisition performance: effects of target aspect angle, dynamic imaging, and signal processing
JA Beintema, P Bijl, MA Hogervorst, J Dijk
Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XIX 6941 …, 2008
Dynamic turbulence mitigation for long-range imaging in the presence of large moving objects
R Nieuwenhuizen, J Dijk, K Schutte
EURASIP journal on image and video processing 2019 (1), 2, 2019
Turbulence compensation: an overview
AWM Eekeren, K Schutte, J Dijk, PBW Schwering, M Iersel, NJ Doelman
Proc. SPIE 8355, 83550Q, 2012
Focus-of-attention for human activity recognition from UAVs
GJ Burghouts, AWM van Eekeren, J Dijk
Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XI 9249 …, 2014
In search of an objective measure for the perceptual quality of printed images
J Dijk
WPSS: Watching people security services
H Bouma, J Baan, S Borsboom, K van Zon, X Luo, B Loke, B Stoeller, ...
Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting and Defence IX …, 2013
Image processing in aerial surveillance and reconnaissance: from pixels to understanding
J Dijk, AWM van Eekeren, OR Rojas, GJ Burghouts, K Schutte
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications VII …, 2013
Effectiveness assessment of signal processing in the presence of smear
P Bijl, JA Beintema, J Dijk, N Leden
Optical Engineering 51 (6), 063205-063205, 2012
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Articles 1–20