Surabhi Pancholi
Surabhi Pancholi
Lecturer of Urban Design and Planning
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Cited by
Place making facilitators of knowledge and innovation spaces: insights from European best practices
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 6 (3), 215-240, 2015
Public space design of knowledge and innovation spaces: Learnings from Kelvin Grove Urban Village, Brisbane
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 1 (1), 1-17, 2015
Place making for knowledge generation and innovation: Planning and branding Brisbane's knowledge community precincts
T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda, M Taboada, S Pancholi
Urban Knowledge and Innovation Spaces, 115-146, 2018
Place making for innovation and knowledge-intensive activities: The Australian experience
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 146, 616-625, 2019
Knowledge city research and practice under the microscope: A review of empirical findings
IR Edvardsson, T Yigitcanlar, S Pancholi
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 14 (4), 537-564, 2016
Knowledge-based development dynamics in less favoured regions: insights from Australian and Icelandic university towns
T Yigitcanlar, IR Edvardsson, H Johannesson, MD Kamruzzaman, ...
European Planning Studies 25 (12), 2272-2292, 2017
Societal integration that matters: place making experience of Macquarie Park Innovation District, Sydney
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
City, Culture and Society 13, 13-21, 2018
Urban knowledge and innovation spaces: concepts, conditions, and contexts
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 8 (1), 15-38, 2014
Governance that matters: Identifying place-making challenges of Melbourne’s Monash Employment Cluster
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
Journal of Place Management and Development 10 (1), 73-87, 2017
University and innovation district symbiosis in the context of placemaking: Insights from Australian cities
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda, S Mayere, GA Caldwell, ...
Land Use Policy 99, 105109, 2020
Attributes of successful place-making in knowledge and innovation spaces: evidence from Brisbane’s Diamantina knowledge precinct
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
Journal of Urban Design 23 (5), 693-711, 2018
Place making in knowledge and innovation spaces: The Australia experience
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang, 2017
Context, contribution and characteristics of public spaces for place making in contemporary knowledge and innovation spaces. Observations from Brisbane, Australia
S Pancholi, M Guaralda, T Yigitcanlar
The Journal of Public Space, 2017
Image of a City through Big Data Analytics: Colombo from the Lens of Geo-Coded Social Media Data
S Abesinghe, N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, S Pancholi
Future Internet 15 (1), 32, 2023
Mapping hybrid cities through location-based technologies: A systematic review of the literature
L Tarachucky, J Sabatini-Marques, T Yigitcanlar, MJ Baldessar, ...
Cities 116, 103296, 2021
A conceptual approach for place making in knowledge and innovation spaces: Case investigations from Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney
SA Pancholi
Queensland University of Technology, 2018
Societal integration that matters: Place making experience of Macquarie park innovation District, Sydney. City, Culture and Society, 13, 13–21
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda
Augmented Geelong: Digital technologies as a tool for place-A case of regional town of Geelong
MM Rashid, CK Khoo, S Pancholi
Proceedings of the International Conference of Architectural Science …, 2022
Presence of the Past: Digital Narrative of the Dennys Lascelles Concrete Wool Store; Geelong, Australia
MM Rashid, CK Khoo, S Kaljevic, S Pancholi
Remote Sensing 13 (7), 1395, 2021
Innovation District Planning: Concept, Framework, Practice
T Yigitcanlar, S Pancholi, N Esmaeilpoorarabi, R Adu-McVie
CRC Press, 2024
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Articles 1–20