Dr. Md. Zakir Hossain
Dr. Md. Zakir Hossain
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A comprehensive survey of deep learning for image captioning
MDZ Hossain, F Sohel, MF Shiratuddin, H Laga
ACM Computing Surveys (CsUR) 51 (6), 1-36, 2019
A proposed architecture of cloud computing for education system in Bangladesh and the impact on current education system
S Al Noor, G Mustafa, SA Chowdhury, MZ Hossain, FT Jaigirdar
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (10 …, 2010
Text to Image Synthesis for Improved Image Captioning
MZ Hossain, F Sohel, MF Shiratuddin, H Laga, M Bennamoun
IEEE Access 9, 64918, 2021
Comparison of Euclidean Distance Function and Manhattan Distance Function Using K-Mediods
M Mohibullah, MZ Hossain, M Hasan
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS …, 2015
Bi-SAN-CAP: Bi-directional self-attention for image captioning
MZ Hossain, F Sohel, MF Shiratuddin, H Laga, M Bennamoun
2019 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 1-7, 2019
Development of morphological rules for bangla words for universal networking language
MF Mridha, MZ Hossain, SA Noor
Int. J. of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (10), 231-237, 2010
Performance evaluation of CMN for Mel-LPC based speech recognition in different noisy environments
MM Rahman, SK Saha, MZ Hossain, MB Islam
International Journal of Computer Applications 58 (10), 2012
Attention-based image captioning using DenseNet features
MZ Hossain, F Sohel, MF Shiratuddin, H Laga, M Bennamoun
Neural Information Processing: 26th International Conference, ICONIP 2019 …, 2019
Development of analysis rules for Bangla root and primary suffix for universal networking language
MNY Ali, S Al Noor, MZ Hossain, JK Das
2010 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 15-18, 2010
Some Proposed Standard Models for Bangla Dictionary Entries of Bangla Morphemes for Universal Networking Language
MZ Hossain, S Al Noor, MF Mridha
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA)(0975–8887) 12 (6), 2010
Development of Grammatical Attributes for Bangla Root and Primary Suffix for Universal Networking Language
MF Mridha, MZ Hossain, M Banik, MN Huda, CM Rahman, JK Das
SKIMA 2010, 61, 2010
Deep Learning Techniques for Image Captioning
MZ Hossain
Murdoch University, Australia, 2020
Development of Templates for Dictionary Entries of Bangla Roots and Primary Suffixes for Universal Networking Language
MZ Hossain, SM Allayear, MNY Ali, JK Das
2010 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 43-46, 2010
Mobile Broadband Possibilities considering the Arrival of IEEE 802.16 m & LTE with an Emphasis on South Asia
NIB Hamid, MZ Hossain, MRH Khandokar, T Jamal, MA Shoeb
arXiv preprint arXiv:1004.1788, 2010
An Extensive Study on Web Security Breaches
T Taher, SA Noor, MZ Hossain
Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West-Bengal, India, 2010
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Articles 1–15