Rien E. van Wijk
Rien E. van Wijk
Freelance Researcher & Consultant in Big Data
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Individually tracked geese follow peaks of temperature acceleration during spring migration
RE Van Wijk, A Kölzsch, H Kruckenberg, BS Ebbinge, GJDM Müskens, ...
Oikos 121 (5), 655-664, 2012
European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) as a natural reservoir of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carrying mecC in Denmark
SL Rasmussen, J Larsen, RE van Wijk, OR Jones, TB Berg, Ø Angen, ...
PLoS One 14 (9), e0222031, 2019
Repeatability of individual migration routes, wintering sites, and timing in a long‐distance migrant bird
RE van Wijk, S Bauer, M Schaub
Ecology and evolution 6 (24), 8679-8685, 2016
Dependencies in the timing of activities weaken over the annual cycle in a long-distance migratory bird
RE van Wijk, M Schaub, S Bauer
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71, 1-8, 2017
An investigation of endoparasites and the determinants of parasite infection in European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) from Denmark
SL Rasmussen, J Hallig, RE van Wijk, HH Petersen
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 16, 217-227, 2021
No detectable effects of lightweight geolocators on a Palaearctic-African long-distance migrant
RE van Wijk, G Souchay, S Jenni-Eiermann, S Bauer, M Schaub
Journal of Ornithology 157, 255-264, 2016
Gene flow and genetic drift contribute to high genetic diversity with low phylogeographical structure in European Hoopoes (Upupa epops)
E Wang, RE Van Wijk, MS Braun, M Wink
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 113, 113-125, 2017
Short‐distance migration of Wrynecks Jynx torquilla from Central European populations
RE van Wijk, M Schaub, D Tolkmitt, D Becker, S Hahn
Ibis 155 (4), 886-890, 2013
Diverse migration strategies in hoopoes (Upupa epops) lead to weak spatial but strong temporal connectivity
RE van Wijk, M Schaub, S Hahn, N Juárez-García-Pelayo, B Schäfer, ...
The Science of Nature 105, 1-9, 2018
The conservation of Afro‐Palaearctic migrants: What we are learning and what we need to know?
JA Vickery, JW Mallord, WM Adams, AE Beresford, C Both, W Cresswell, ...
Ibis 165 (3), 717-738, 2023
Breeding Performance of the Grasshopper Buzzard (Butastur rufipennis) in a Natural and A Human-Modified West African Savanna: Desempeño Reproductivo de Butastur rufipennis en …
R Buij, K Kortekaas, RRDV Krimpen, RV Wijk, SVD Zanden, HHD Iongh, ...
The Condor 115 (1), 47-57, 2013
Identifying drivers of breeding success in a long‐distance migrant using structural equation modelling
G Souchay, RE Van Wijk, M Schaub, S Bauer
Oikos 127 (1), 125-133, 2018
On the Use of Stable Hydrogen Isotope Measurements (δ2H) to Discern Trophic Level in Avian Terrestrial Food Webs
RE van Wijk, Y Barshep, KA Hobson
Diversity 13 (5), 202, 2021
Postponed moult of primary coverts untangles the ageing of Wrynecks Jynx torquilla
J Laesser, RE van Wijk
Ringing & Migration 32 (2), 87-103, 2017
Movement characteristics of the Common harnster (Cricetus cricetus) in Limburg, the Netherlands
RE van Wijk, MJJ La Haye, RJM van Kats, GJ Muskens
Säugetierkundliche Informationen 8 (2011), 79-91, 2011
K ö lzsch, A., Kruckenberg, H., Ebbinge, BS, M ü skens, GJDM and Nolet, BA 2012. Individually tracked geese follow peaks of temperature acceleration during spring migration
RE Van Wijk
Oikos 121, 655-664, 0
Differences in migration strategies between rescued juvenile and adult Oriental white storks (Ciconia boyciana) and the conservation implications
L Yang, W Wang, RE Van Wijk, H Deng, X Li, Y Guo
Global Ecology and Conservation 30, e01760, 2021
Sex-specific migration strategies of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) from Germany
BU Meyburg, D Roepke, C Meyburg, RE van Wijk
bioRxiv, 398735, 2018
Migration routes and wintering areas of two Dutch northern wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe in the Sahel
HH Van Oosten, R Versluijs, R Van Wijk
Limosa 87, 168-173, 2014
Twee Nederlandse Tapuiten in de Sahel: Trekroutes en winterlocaties ontrafeld
HH van Oosten, R Versluijs, R van Wijk
Limosa 87, 168-172, 2014
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Articles 1–20