Eric C. Kerrigan
Cited by
Cited by
Invariant approximations of the minimal robust positively invariant set
SV Rakovic, EC Kerrigan, KI Kouramas, DQ Mayne
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (3), 406-410, 2005
Optimization over state feedback policies for robust control with constraints
PJ Goulart, EC Kerrigan, JM Maciejowski
Automatica 42 (4), 523-533, 2006
Robust constraint satisfaction: Invariant sets and predictive control
EC Kerrigan
University of Cambridge, 2000
Tube‐based robust nonlinear model predictive control
DQ Mayne, EC Kerrigan, EJ Van Wyk, P Falugi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 21 (11), 1341-1353, 2011
Move blocking strategies in receding horizon control
R Cagienard, P Grieder, EC Kerrigan, M Morari
Journal of Process Control 17 (6), 563-570, 2007
Embedded online optimization for model predictive control at megahertz rates
JL Jerez, PJ Goulart, S Richter, GA Constantinides, EC Kerrigan, M Morari
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (12), 3238-3251, 2014
Soft constraints and exact penalty functions in model predictive control
EC Kerrigan, JM Maciejowski
Control 2000 Conference, Cambridge, 2319-2327, 2000
Feedback min‐max model predictive control using a single linear program: robust stability and the explicit solution
EC Kerrigan, JM Maciejowski
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2004
Invariant sets for constrained nonlinear discrete-time systems with application to feasibility in model predictive control
EC Kerrigan, JM Maciejowski
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE conference on decision and control (Cat. No …, 2000
Reachability analysis of discrete-time systems with disturbances
SV Rakovic, EC Kerrigan, DQ Mayne, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 (4), 546-561, 2006
Optimal control of constrained, piecewise affine systems with bounded disturbances
EC Kerrigan, DQ Mayne
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002. 2 …, 2002
Predictive control using an FPGA with application to aircraft control
EN Hartley, JL Jerez, A Suardi, JM Maciejowski, EC Kerrigan, ...
Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on 22 (3), 1006-1017, 2014
Offset‐free receding horizon control of constrained linear systems
G Pannocchia, EC Kerrigan
AIChE Journal 51 (12), 3134-3146, 2005
Optimized robust control invariance for linear discrete-time systems: Theoretical foundations
SV Raković, EC Kerrigan, DQ Mayne, KI Kouramas
Automatica 43 (5), 831-841, 2007
Optimal active control and optimization of a wave energy converter
E Abraham, EC Kerrigan
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 4 (2), 324-332, 2013
Designing model predictive controllers with prioritised constraints and objectives
EC Kerrigan, JM Maciejowski
Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System …, 2002
A sparse and condensed QP formulation for predictive control of LTI systems
JL Jerez, EC Kerrigan, GA Constantinides
Automatica 48 (5), 999-1002, 2012
Equality set projection: A new algorithm for the projection of polytopes in halfspace representation
C Jones, EC Kerrigan, J Maciejowski
Cambridge University Engineering Dept, 2004
Optimizing communication and computation for multi-UAV information gathering applications
M Thammawichai, SP Baliyarasimhuni, EC Kerrigan, JB Sousa
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (2), 601-615, 2018
Imperial college london optimal control software user guide (ICLOCS)
P Falugi, E Kerrigan, E Van Wyk
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London …, 2010
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Articles 1–20