Theo dơi
Tatjana Dragovic
Tatjana Dragovic
Tên khácTatjana Dragovic Andersen
Coordinator of the EdD LEID (Leadership, Educational Improvement and Development) research community
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Trích dẫn bởi
Possibility thinking: Culminative studies of an evidence-based concept driving creativity?
A Craft, T Cremin, P Burnard, T Dragovic, K Chappell
Education 3-13 41 (5), 538-556, 2013
Collaborative creativity in instrumental group music learning as a site for enhancing pupil wellbeing
P Burnard, T Dragovic
Cambridge Journal of Education 45 (3), 371-392, 2015
A research-informed, school-based professional development workshop programme to promote dialogic teaching with interactive technologies
S Hennessy, T Dragovic, P Warwick
Professional Development in Education 44 (2), 145-168, 2018
Voicing the Professional Doctorate and the Researching Professional's Identity: Theorizing the EdD's Uniqueness.
P Burnard, T Dragovic, K Ottewell, WM Lim
London Review of Education 16 (1), 40-55, 2018
The art of co-creating arts-based possibility spaces for fostering STE (A) M practices in primary education
P Burnard, T Dragovic, S Jasilek, J Biddulph, L Rolls, A Durning, ...
Arts-based methods in education around the world, 247-281, 2022
Characterizing communal creativity in instrumental group learning
P Burnard, T Dragovic
Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 3 (3), 336-362, 2014
Transformative doctoral research practices for professionals
P Burnard, T Dragovic, J Flutter, J Alderton
Springer, 2016
Doing rebellious research: in and beyond the academy
P Burnard, E Mackinlay, D Rousell, T Dragovic
Brill, 2022
Building interdisciplinary and intercultural bridges: Where practice meets research and theory
P Burnard, V Ross, HJ Minors, K Powell, T Dragovic, E Mackinlay
BIBACC Publishing, 2017
Connecting arts activism, diverse creativities and embodiment through practice as research
P Burnard, T Dragovic, PJ Cook, S Jasilek
Creativities in Arts Education, Research and Practice, 271-290, 2018
Teachers' professional identity: a study into how teachers in one Slovenian primary school talk about their professional identity and work following participation in NLP-based …
T Dragovic
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2010
Spodbujanje in motiviranje z veščinami coachinga
T Dragovič
Ljubljanja: HRM. Gospodarski vestnik, 2004
Why policy matters particularly in professional doctorates
P Burnard, T Dragovic, R Heaton, B Rogers
Methodologies for practice research approaches for professionals (London …, 2018
The art and craft of professional doctorates
T Dragovic
Transformative doctoral research practices for professionals, 61-74, 2016
With lifelong learning to personal and professional excellence
T Dragovic
Vzgoja, izobraževanje in vseživljenjsko učenje pri uveljavljanju univerzalne …, 2011
Coaching–kaj, zakaj in kako potem
T Dragovič
Zbornik gradiv in prispevkov, Conferenca o kariernom coachingu, Ljubljana …, 2010
Nevrolingvistični pristop k razvoju sodobnih kompetenc v podjetjih
T Dragovič
V: LABODA, Alenka (ur.): Razvoj sodobnih kompetenc v poslovnem svetu/NLP in …, 2005
Problem-based learning on doctoral level: fit for'pracademics'?
T Dragovič
Journal of Universal Excellence (JUE)/Revija za Univerzalno Odličnost (RUO …, 2024
Bridging Research and Practice: Using Article Analysis to Prepare Practitioners for Research-Informed Practice
T Dragovic
Challenges of the Future 9 (2), 2024
Implementing Coaching Programs
TD Andersen, SL Stewart
Building an Organizational Coaching Culture, 143-160, 2023
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