jean-marie gorce
jean-marie gorce
Professeur Insa Lyon
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Cited by
Dedicated networks for IoT: PHY/MAC state of the art and challenges
C Goursaud, JM Gorce
EAI endorsed transactions on Internet of Things, 2015
Influence of bubble size distribution on the echogenicity of ultrasound contrast agents: A study of SonoVue™
JM Gorce, M Arditi, M Schneider
Investigative radiology 35 (11), 661-671, 2000
Deterministic approach for fast simulations of indoor radio wave propagation
JM Gorce, K Jaffres-Runser, G De La Roche
IEEE transactions on Antennas and Propagation 55 (3), 938-948, 2007
Impact of the physical layer modeling on the accuracy and scalability of wireless network simulation
E Ben Hamida, G Chelius, JM Gorce
Simulation 85 (9), 574-588, 2009
Finite blocklength information theory: What is the practical impact on wireless communications?
P Mary, JM Gorce, A Unsal, HV Poor
2016 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2016
Advanced coordinated beamforming for the downlink of future LTE cellular networks
GC Alexandropoulos, P Ferrand, JM Gorce, CB Papadias
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (7), 54-60, 2016
Cooperative scheduling for coexisting body area networks
L Wang, C Goursaud, N Nikaein, L Cottatellucci, JM Gorce
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 12 (1), 123-133, 2012
Estimation of three-dimensional cardiac velocity fields: assessment of a differential method and application to three-dimensional CT data
JM Gorce, D Friboulet, IE Magnin
Medical Image Analysis 1 (3), 245-261, 1997
Coding for caching in 5G networks
Y Fadlallah, AM Tulino, D Barone, G Vettigli, J Llorca, JM Gorce
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (2), 106-113, 2017
Interference modeling in CSMA multi-hop wireless networks
A Busson, G Chelius, JM Gorce
INRIA, 2009
Green transmission technologies for balancing the energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency trade-off
Y Wu, Y Chen, J Tang, DKC So, Z Xu, I Chih-Lin, P Ferrand, JM Gorce, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (11), 112-120, 2014
Towards ultrasound cardiac image segmentation based on the radiofrequency signal
I Dydenko, D Friboulet, JM Gorce, J D’hooge, B Bijnens, IE Magnin
Medical image analysis 7 (3), 353-367, 2003
Optimal transmission range for minimum energy consumption in wireless sensor networks
R Zhang, JM Gorce
2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 757-762, 2008
Transmitter classification with supervised deep learning
C Morin, LS Cardoso, J Hoydis, JM Gorce, T Vial
Cognitive Radio-Oriented Wireless Networks: 14th EAI International …, 2019
Scalable versus accurate physical layer modeling in wireless network simulations
EB Hamida, G Chelius, JM Gorce
2008 22nd Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, 127-134, 2008
Spectral and energy efficiency trade-offs in cellular networks
D Tsilimantos, JM Gorce, K Jaffrès-Runser, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (1), 54-66, 2015
Stochastic analysis of energy savings with sleep mode in OFDMA wireless networks
D Tsilimantos, JM Gorce, E Altman
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1097-1105, 2013
Toward increasing packet diversity for relaying LT fountain codes in wireless sensor networks
A Apavatjrut, C Goursaud, K Jaffres-Runser, C Comaniciu, JM Gorce
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (1), 52-54, 2010
The emergence of wireless MAC protocols with multi-agent reinforcement learning
MP Mota, A Valcarce, JM Gorce, J Hoydis
2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2021
Global system approach to validate a wireless system even with a multi-antennas receiver structure
JCN Perez, J Verdier, G Villemaud, JM Gorce
2009 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 301-305, 2009
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Articles 1–20