Lorenzo Gallucci
Lorenzo Gallucci
Eco-Mind Ingegneria Informatica / Freelance
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Cited by
Fault detection and explanation through big data analysis on sensor streams
G Manco, E Ritacco, P Rullo, L Gallucci, W Astill, D Kimber, M Antonelli
Expert Systems with Applications 87, 141-156, 2017
OntoDLV: an ASP-based system for enterprise ontologies
F Ricca, L Gallucci, R Schindlauer, T Dell’Armi, G Grasso, N Leone
Journal of Logic and Computation 19 (4), 643-670, 2009
Knowledge management in health care: an architectural framework for clinical process management systems
R Curia, L Gallucci, M Ruffolo
16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2005
Process management in health care: A system for preventing risks and medical errors
M Ruffolo, R Curia, L Gallucci
International Conference on Business Process Management, 334-343, 2005
Visual querying and application programming interface for an ASP-based ontology language
L Gallucci, F Ricca
Proc. of SEA 7, 56-70, 2007
Rialto: A Knowledge Discovery suite for data analysis
G Manco, P Rullo, L Gallucci, M Paturzo
Expert Systems with Applications 59, 145-164, 2016
Textual document pre-processing and feature extraction in OLEX
R Curia, M Ettorre, L Gallucci, S Iiritano, P Rullo
Data Mining XI: Data Mining, Text Mining and Their Business Applications …, 2005
ONTODLV: an ASP-based System for Enterprise Ontologies
T Dell’Armi, L Gallucci, N Leone, F Ricca, R Schindlauer
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Answer Set Programming …, 2007
A logic-based tool for semantic information extraction
M Ruffolo, M Manna, L Gallucci, N Leone, D Sacca
European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 506-510, 2006
Semantic extraction and adaptive delivery of multimedia contents for the cultural assets
M Cannataro, L Gallucci, A Pietramala, P Rullo, P Veltri
Proceedings of the second workshop on Use of P2P, GRID and agents for the …, 2007
Interoperability mechanisms for ontology management systems
L Gallucci, G Grasso, N Leone, F Ricca
Proceedings of CILC’07, S. Agata di Messina, 21–22 Giugno 2007, 2007
Towards a Semantic Information Extraction Approach from Unstructured Documents.
M Ruffolo, L Gallucci, N Leone, M Manna, D Saccą
SEBD, 167-174, 2006
Disas: a diselect-based middleware for building adaptive systems
L Gallucci, M Cannataro, L Palopoli, P Veltri
Proceedings of Workshops held at the Fourth International Conference on …, 2006
Models and technologies for adaptive web portals
L Gallucci, M Cannataro
Encyclopedia of portal technologies and applications, 615-623, 2007
Semantic Information Elicitation from Unstructured Medical Records
M Ruffolo, V Cozza, L Gallucci, M Manna, M Pizzonia, N Leone
A DLP-Based System for Ontology Representation and Reasoning
L Gallucci, N Leone, D Talia
DISelect-based Middleware for Building Adaptive Systems, International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Hypermedia
L Gallucci, M Cannataro, L Palopoli, P Veltri
Adaptive Web Portals: Models and Technologies
L Gallucci, E SrL, IM Cannataro, P Veltri
" ONTODLV: an ASP-based System for Enterprise Ontologies"; Vortrag: International Workshop on Answer Set Programming (ASP), Porto, Portugal; 08.09. 2007-13.09. 2007; in …
T DellArmi, L Gallucci, N Leone, F Ricca, R Schindlauer
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Articles 1–19