Christoph Fuchs
Christoph Fuchs
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Guidelines for choosing between multi-item and single-item scales for construct measurement: a predictive validity perspective
A Diamantopoulos, M Sarstedt, C Fuchs, P Wilczynski, S Kaiser
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 40, 434-449, 2012
Customer Empowerment in New Product Development*
C Fuchs, M Schreier
Journal of product innovation management 28 (1), 17-32, 2011
Using single-item measures for construct measurement in management research: Conceptual issues and application guidelines
C Fuchs, A Diamantopoulos
Business Administration Review 69 (2), 195, 2009
Using single-item measures for construct measurement in management research: Conceptual issues and application guidelines
C Fuchs, A Diamantopoulos
Die Betriebswirtschaft 69 (2), 195, 2009
The psychological effects of empowerment strategies on consumers’ product demand
C Fuchs, E Prandelli, M Schreier
Journal of marketing 74 (1), 65-79, 2010
The handmade effect: What's love got to do with it?
C Fuchs, M Schreier, SMJ Van Osselaer
Journal of marketing 79 (2), 98-110, 2015
The innovation effect of user design: Exploring consumers’ innovation perceptions of firms selling products designed by users
M Schreier, C Fuchs, DW Dahl
Journal of Marketing 76 (5), 18-32, 2012
Evaluating the effectiveness of brand‐positioning strategies from a consumer perspective
C Fuchs, A Diamantopoulos
European Journal of Marketing 44 (11/12), 1763-1786, 2010
All that is users might not be gold: How labeling products as user designed backfires in the context of luxury fashion brands
C Fuchs, E Prandelli, M Schreier, DW Dahl
Journal of Marketing 77 (5), 75-91, 2013
Preference for human (vs. robotic) labor is stronger in symbolic consumption contexts
A Granulo, C Fuchs, S Puntoni
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2020
Why and when consumers prefer products of user-driven firms: A social identification account
DW Dahl, C Fuchs, M Schreier
Management science 61 (8), 1978-1988, 2015
Becoming agile in the digital transformation: The process of a large-scale agile transformation
C Fuchs, T Hess
Psychological reactions to human versus robotic job replacement
A Granulo, C Fuchs, S Puntoni
Nature human behaviour 3 (10), 1062-1069, 2019
The value of marketing crowdsourced new products as such: Evidence from two randomized field experiments
H Nishikawa, M Schreier, C Fuchs, S Ogawa
Journal of Marketing Research 54 (4), 525-539, 2017
The Ideator’s Bias: How Identity-induced Self-efficacy Drives Overestimation in Employee-driven Process Innovation
C Fuchs, F Sting, M Schlickel, O Alexy
Academy of Management Journal, 2019
Customer‐perceived positioning effectiveness: Conceptualization, operationalization, and implications for new product managers
C Fuchs, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (2), 229-244, 2012
Characterizing approaches to digital transformation: Development of a taxonomy of digital units
C Fuchs, P Barthel, I Herberg, M Berger, T Hess
DeepFlow: Detecting Optimal User Experience from Physiological Data Using Deep Neural Networks
M Maier, D Elsner, C Marouane, M Zehnle, C Fuchs
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on …, 2019
The power of personal
SMJ Van Osselaer, C Fuchs, M Schreier, S Puntoni
Journal of Retailing 96 (1), 88-100, 2020
The signal value of crowdfunded products
OA Acar, DW Dahl, C Fuchs, M Schreier
Journal of Marketing Research 58 (4), 644-661, 2021
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Articles 1–20