Mahin Ahmed
Mahin Ahmed
Other namesMahin K. Atiq
Senior Scientist, Silicon Austria Labs GmbH
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Cited by
Cited by
When IEEE 802.11 and 5G meet time-sensitive networking
MK Atiq, R Muzaffar, Ó Seijo, I Val, HP Bernhard
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society 3, 14-36, 2021
Interference prediction in wireless networks: Stochastic geometry meets recursive filtering
JF Schmidt, U Schilcher, MK Atiq, C Bettstetter
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (3), 2783-2793, 2021
Toward deterministic communications in 6G networks: state of the art, open challenges and the way forward
GP Sharma, D Patel, J Sachs, M De Andrade, J Farkas, J Harmatos, ...
IEEE Access 11, 106898-106923, 2023
Autocorrelation and coherence time of interference in poisson networks
U Schilcher, JF Schmidt, MK Atiq, C Bettstetter
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19 (7), 1506-1518, 2019
5G deployment models and configuration choices for industrial cyber-physical systems–A state of art overview
R Muzaffar, M Ahmed, E Sisinni, T Sauter, HP Bernhard
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, 2023
The performance of openSAFETY protocol via IEEE 802.11 wireless communication
A Hadziaganović, MK Atiq, T Blazek, HP Bernhard, A Springer
2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2021
Semi-blind interference prediction in wireless networks
MK Atiq, U Schilcher, JF Schmidt, C Bettstetter
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Modelling, Analysis …, 2017
Underlay device-to-device communications in LTE-A: Uplink or downlink?
JF Schmidt, MK Atiq, U Schilcher, C Bettstetter
2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2015
Energy‐efficient error coding and transmission for cognitive wireless body area network
N ul Hasan, W Ejaz, MK Atiq, HS Kim
International Journal of Communication Systems 30 (7), e2985, 2017
Recursive pyramid algorithm-based discrete wavelet transform for reactive power measurement in smart meters
N Ul Hasan, W Ejaz, MK Atiq, HS Kim
Energies 6 (9), 4721-4738, 2013
Optimal entropy-based spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks under severe path loss conditions
W Ejaz, MK Atiq, HS Kim, GA Shah
8th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks …, 2013
Cluster based routing protocol for public safety networks
MK Atiq, HS Kim, K Manzoor
2013 International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 435-439, 2013
A reliable energy-balancing multi-group (REM) routing protocol for firefighter communication networks
MK Atiq, K Manzoor, S Kim, NU Hasan, HS Kim
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 1-14, 2014
Distributed connectivity restoration using cognitive relay nodes positioning in damaged wireless sensor network
N ul Hasan, W Ejaz, MK Atiq, HS Kim
2013 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology & Applications (ISWTA), 159-162, 2013
Burstiness of interference pikes in wireless networks
MK Atiq, U Schilcher, X Pengili, M Haenggi, C Bettstetter
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology 4, 293-309, 2023
On interference pikes in Poisson networks
MK Atiq, U Schilcher, C Bettstetterl
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1-5, 2019
Adaptive Preheating Duration Control for Low-Power Ambient Air Quality Sensor Networks
Y Baek, MK Atiq, HS Kim
Sensors 14 (3), 5536-5551, 2014
Optimization of Raman amplifier parameters to achieve flat gain for WDM choatic communication
J Yasmin, MK Atiq
2012 International Conference on Emerging Technologies, 1-4, 2012
Energy-aware optimal slot allocation scheme for wearable sensors in first responder monitoring system
MK Atiq, K Mehmood, MT Niaz, HS Kim
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 31 (2), 103-111, 2019
Encouraging Device-to-Device Communications to Improve Energy Efficiency in Cellular Systems
JF Schmidt, MK Atiq, U Schilcher, C Bettstetter
2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2016
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Articles 1–20