Nguyen Kim Thang
Nguyen Kim Thang
Professor of Computer Science, University Grenoble-Alpes
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Nash equilibria in Voronoi games on graphs
C Dürr, NK Thang
European Symposium on Algorithms, 17-28, 2007
Integrated photonics for low-power packet networking
DJ Blumenthal, J Barton, N Beheshti, JE Bowers, E Burmeister, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 17 (2), 458-471, 2011
Strategy-proof mechanisms for facility location games with many facilities
B Escoffier, L Gourves, N Kim Thang, F Pascual, O Spanjaard
Algorithmic Decision Theory: Second International Conference, ADT 2011 …, 2011
Non-clairvoyant scheduling games
J Cohen, C Dürr, T Nguyen Kim
Theory of Computing Systems 49, 3-23, 2011
Lagrangian duality in online scheduling with resource augmentation and speed scaling
KT Nguyen
Algorithms–ESA 2013: 21st Annual European Symposium, Sophia Antipolis …, 2013
Online algorithms for multi-level aggregation
M Bienkowski, M Böhm, J Byrka, M Chrobak, C Dürr, L Folwarczný, Ł Jeż, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.02378, 2015
Online non-preemptive scheduling in a resource augmentation model based on duality
G Lucarelli, NK Thang, A Srivastav, D Trystram
European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016) 57 (63), 1-17, 2016
On (group) strategy-proof mechanisms without payment for facility location games
NK Thang
International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, 531-538, 2010
Smooth inequalities and equilibrium inefficiency in scheduling games
J Cohen, C Dürr, NK Thang
International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, 350-363, 2012
Competitive algorithms for demand response management in a smart grid
V Chau, S Feng, NK Thắng
Journal of Scheduling 26 (6), 535-542, 2023
Online non-monotone DR-submodular maximization
NK Thắng, A Srivastav
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (11), 9868-9876, 2021
Improved local search for universal facility location
E Angel, NK Thang, D Regnault
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 29, 237-246, 2015
Primal–dual and dual-fitting analysis of online scheduling algorithms for generalized flow-time problems
S Angelopoulos, G Lucarelli, T Nguyen Kim
Algorithmica 81, 3391-3421, 2019
Online non-preemptive scheduling on unrelated machines with rejections
G Lucarelli, B Moseley, NK Thang, A Srivastav, D Trystram
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) 8 (2), 1-22, 2021
Non-monotone DR-submodular maximization over general convex sets
C Dürr, NK Thắng, A Srivastav, L Tible
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on International …, 2021
Non-monotone DR-submodular maximization: Approximation and regret guarantees
C Dürr, NK Thang, A Srivastav, L Tible
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.09595, 2019
The local–global conjecture for scheduling with non-linear cost
N Bansal, C Dürr, NK Thang, ÓC Vásquez
Journal of Scheduling 20, 239-254, 2017
Throughput maximization in multiprocessor speed-scaling
E Angel, E Bampis, V Chau, NK Thang
Theoretical Computer Science 630, 1-12, 2016
Tropical paths in vertex-colored graphs
J Cohen, GF Italiano, Y Manoussakis, NK Thang, HP Pham
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 42, 476-498, 2021
Online primal-dual algorithms with configuration linear programs
NK Thang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.04903, 2017
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Articles 1–20