Robert F. Hurley
Robert F. Hurley
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Innovation, market orientation, and organizational learning: an integration and empirical examination
RF Hurley, GTM Hult
Journal of marketing 62 (3), 42-54, 1998
Innovativeness: Its antecedents and impact on business performance
GTM Hult, RF Hurley, GA Knight
Industrial marketing management 33 (5), 429-438, 2004
Organizational learning in global purchasing: a model and test of internal users and corporate buyers
GTM Hult, RF Hurley, LC Giunipero, EL Nichols Jr
Decision sciences 31 (2), 293-325, 2000
The decision to trust
RF Hurley
Harvard business review 84 (9), 55-62, 2006
Customer service behavior in retail settings: A study of the effect of service provider personality
RF Hurley
Journal of the Academy of Marketing science 26, 115-127, 1998
Alternative indexes for monitoring customer perceptions of service quality: A comparative evaluation in a retail context
RF Hurley, H Estelami
Journal of the academy of Marketing Science 26 (3), 209-221, 1998
Group culture and its effect on innovative productivity
RF Hurley
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 12 (1-2), 57-75, 1995
Innovativeness and capacity to innovate in a complexity of firm-level relationships: A response to Woodside (2004)
RF Hurley, GTM Hult, GA Knight
Industrial marketing management 34 (3), 281-283, 2005
Understanding the loss of trust in large banks
R Hurley, X Gong, A Waqar
International Journal of Bank Marketing 32 (5), 348-366, 2014
The decision to trust: How leaders create high-trust organizations
RF Hurley
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
An exploratory study of employee turnover indicators as predictors of customer satisfaction
RF Hurley, H Estelami
Journal of services marketing 21 (3), 186-199, 2007
Global organizational learning in the supply chain: a low versus high learning study
GTM Hult, EL Nichols Jr, LC Giunipero, RF Hurley
Journal of International Marketing 8 (3), 61-83, 2000
Putting people back into organizational learning
RF Hurley
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 17 (4), 270-281, 2002
Global organizational learning effects on cycle time performance
GTM Hult, OC Ferrell, RF Hurley
Journal of Business Research 55 (5), 377-387, 2002
Leadership and relationship commitment: a focus on the supplier–buyer–user linkage
GTM Hult, OC Ferrell, RF Hurley, LC Giunipero
Industrial Marketing Management 29 (2), 111-119, 2000
Designing trustworthy organizations
RF Hurley, N Gillespie, DL Ferrin, G Dietz
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2013
The Effects on Layoff Survivors of Their Fellow Survivors' Reactions1
J Brocker, R Hurley, R Lee Dewitt, B Wiesenfeld, S Grover, J Stephan, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 27 (10), 835-863, 1997
Trust and the global financial crisis
N Gillespie, R Hurley
Handbook of advances in trust research, 177-203, 2013
Evolution or Revolution in the Values of OrganizationDevelopment: Commentary on the State of the Field
AH Church, RF Hurley, W Warner Burke
Journal of Organizational Change Management 5 (4), 6-23, 1992
Restoring Institutional Trust After The Global Financial Crisis: A Systemic Approach.
N Gillespie, R Hurley, G Dietz, R Bachmann
Trust restoring in organizations and leaders. Enduring challenges and …, 2012
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