Shivakant Shukla
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Fatigue behavior of ultrafine grained triplex Al0. 3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
K Liu, M Komarasamy, B Gwalani, S Shukla, RS Mishra
Scripta Materialia 158, 116-120, 2019
Hierarchical microstructure for improved fatigue properties in a eutectic high entropy alloy
S Shukla, T Wang, S Cotton, RS Mishra
Scripta Materialia 156, 105-109, 2018
Hierarchical features infused heterogeneous grain structure for extraordinary strength-ductility synergy
S Shukla, D Choudhuri, T Wang, K Liu, R Wheeler, S Williams, B Gwalani, ...
Materials Research Letters 6 (12), 676-682, 2018
Microstructure, fatigue, and impact toughness properties of additively manufactured nickel alloy 718
M Komarasamy, S Shukla, S Williams, K Kandasamy, S Kelly, RS Mishra
Additive Manufacturing 28, 661-675, 2019
High density of strong yet deformable intermetallic nanorods leads to an excellent room temperature strength-ductility combination in a high entropy alloy
B Gwalani, S Dasari, A Sharma, V Soni, S Shukla, A Jagetia, P Agrawal, ...
Acta Materialia 219, 117234, 2021
Design of heterogeneous structured Al alloys with wide processing window for laser-powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
S Thapliyal, S Shukla, L Zhou, H Hyer, P Agrawal, P Agrawal, ...
Additive Manufacturing 42, 102002, 2021
Simultaneous enhancement of strength and ductility in an AlCoCrFeNi2. 1 eutectic high-entropy alloy via friction stir processing
T Wang, M Komarasamy, S Shukla, RS Mishra
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 766, 312-317, 2018
An integrated computational materials engineering-anchored closed-loop method for design of aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing
S Thapliyal, M Komarasamy, S Shukla, L Zhou, H Hyer, S Park, Y Sohn, ...
Materialia 9, 100574, 2020
Additively manufactured novel Al-Cu-Sc-Zr alloy: Microstructure and mechanical properties
P Agrawal, S Gupta, S Thapliyal, S Shukla, RS Haridas, RS Mishra
Additive Manufacturing 37, 101623, 2021
Compositionally graded high entropy alloy with a strong front and ductile back
B Gwalani, S Gangireddy, S Shukla, CJ Yannetta, SG Valentin, RS Mishra, ...
Materials Today Communications 20, 100602, 2019
Towards heterogeneous AlxCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy via friction stir processing
T Wang, S Shukla, M Komarasamy, K Liu, RS Mishra
Materials Letters 236, 472-475, 2019
Development of in situ composites via reactive friction stir processing of Ti–B4C system
T Wang, B Gwalani, S Shukla, M Frank, RS Mishra
Composites Part B: Engineering 172, 54-60, 2019
Grain size dependence of fatigue properties of friction stir processed ultrafine-grained Al-5024 alloy
S Shukla, M Komarasamy, RS Mishra
International Journal of Fatigue 109, 1-9, 2018
Microstructurally flexible high entropy alloys: Linkages between alloy design and deformation behavior
SS Nene, M Frank, P Agrawal, S Sinha, K Liu, S Shukla, RS Mishra, ...
Materials & Design 194, 108968, 2020
Friction stir gradient alloying: a high-throughput method to explore the influence of V in enabling HCP to BCC transformation in a γ-FCC dominated high entropy alloy
P Agrawal, S Shukla, S Gupta, P Agrawal, RS Mishra
Applied Materials Today 21, 100853, 2020
Characterization of as-cast microstructural heterogeneities and damage mechanisms in eutectic AlCoCrFeNi2. 1 high entropy alloy
D Choudhuri, S Shukla, PA Jannotti, S Muskeri, S Mukherjee, JT Lloyd, ...
Materials Characterization 158, 109955, 2019
Crystallographically degenerate B2 precipitation in a plastically deformed fcc-based complex concentrated alloy
D Choudhuri, S Shukla, WB Green, B Gwalani, V Ageh, R Banerjee, ...
Materials Research Letters 6 (3), 171-177, 2018
High entropy alloys: innovations, advances, and applications
TS Srivatsan, M Gupta
CRC Press, 2020
A novel method to enhance CSL fraction, tensile properties and work hardening in complex concentrated alloys―Lattice distortion effect
M Komarasamy, S Shukla, N Ley, K Liu, K Cho, B McWilliams, R Brennan, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 736, 383-391, 2018
Excellent high cyclic fatigue properties of a novel ultrafine-grained medium entropy alloy
S Shukla, RS Mishra
Materials Science and Engineering: A 779, 139122, 2020
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Articles 1–20