David B. Kolesky
David B. Kolesky
MPM BioImpact
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3D bioprinting of vascularized, heterogeneous cell‐laden tissue constructs
DB Kolesky, RL Truby, AS Gladman, TA Busbee, KA Homan, JA Lewis
Advanced materials 26 (19), 3124-3130, 2014
Embedded 3D printing of strain sensors within highly stretchable elastomers
JT Muth, DM Vogt, RL Truby, Y Mengüç, DB Kolesky, RJ Wood, JA Lewis
Advanced materials 26 (36), 6307-6312, 2014
Three-dimensional bioprinting of thick vascularized tissues
DB Kolesky, KA Homan, MA Skylar-Scott, JA Lewis
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 113 (12), 3179-3184, 2016
Flow-enhanced vascularization and maturation of kidney organoids in vitro
KA Homan, N Gupta, KT Kroll, DB Kolesky, M Skylar-Scott, T Miyoshi, ...
Nature methods 16 (3), 255-262, 2019
Bioprinting of 3D convoluted renal proximal tubules on perfusable chips
KA Homan, DB Kolesky, MA Skylar-Scott, J Herrmann, H Obuobi, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34845, 2016
Renal reabsorption in 3D vascularized proximal tubule models
NYC Lin, KA Homan, SS Robinson, DB Kolesky, N Duarte, A Moisan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (12), 5399-5404, 2019
High‐throughput printing via microvascular multinozzle arrays
CJ Hansen, R Saksena, DB Kolesky, JJ Vericella, SJ Kranz, ...
Advanced Materials 25 (1), 96-102, 2013
Controlling material reactivity using architecture
KT Sullivan, C Zhu, EB Duoss, AE Gash, DB Kolesky, JD Kuntz, JA Lewis, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (LLNL-JRNL-678526), 2015
Printed stretchable strain sensor
JA Lewis, JT Muth, DM Vogt, RL Truby, Y Menguc, DB Kolesky, RJ Wood
US Patent 10,151,649, 2018
Bioprinting: 3D bioprinting of vascularized, heterogeneous cell‐laden tissue constructs (Adv. Mater. 19/2014)
DB Kolesky, RL Truby, AS Gladman, TA Busbee, KA Homan, JA Lewis
Advanced Materials 26 (19), 2966-2966, 2014
Method of printing a tissue construct with embedded vasculature
JA Lewis, DB Kolesky, MA Skylar-Scott, KA Homan, RL Truby, ...
US Patent 10,117,968, 2018
Multinozzle deposition system for direct write applications
JA Lewis, CJ Hansen, S Kranz, JJ Vericella, W Wu, DB Kolesky
US Patent 9,643,358, 2017
3d printing: Embedded 3d printing of strain sensors within highly stretchable elastomers (adv. Mater. 36/2014)
JT Muth, DM Vogt, RL Truby, Y Mengüç, DB Kolesky, RJ Wood, JA Lewis
Advanced Materials 36 (26), 6202-6202, 2014
In Vitro Human Tissues via Multi-material 3-D Bioprinting
DB Kolesky, KA Homan, M Skylar-Scott, JA Lewis
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 46 (4), 209-215, 2018
Inkjet Printing: High‐Throughput Printing via Microvascular Multinozzle Arrays (Adv. Mater. 1/2013)
CJ Hansen, R Saksena, DB Kolesky, JJ Vericella, SJ Kranz, ...
Advanced Materials 1 (25), 2-2, 2013
Methods of producing multi-layered tubular tissue constructs
KT Kroll, KA Homan, MA Skylar-Scott, SGM Uzel, DB Kolesky, ...
US Patent App. 16/631,677, 2020
Systems and methods for automated nozzle design and 3D printing
JA Lewis, MA Skylar-Scott, J Mueller, D Kolesky
US Patent 10,946,588, 2021
Printed stretchable strain sensor
JA Lewis, JT Muth, DM Vogt, RL Truby, Y Menguc, DB Kolesky, RJ Wood
US Patent 10,612,986, 2020
3d printing: Controlling material reactivity using architecture (adv. mater. 10/2016)
KT Sullivan, C Zhu, EB Duoss, AE Gash, DB Kolesky, JD Kuntz, JA Lewis, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (10), 1901-1901, 2016
Achromosomal dynamic active systems
AB Fisher, KA Homan, TP Hubbard, DB Kolesky, AZ Reeves, ...
US Patent App. 17/299,377, 2022
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Articles 1–20