Duong Viet Thong
Duong Viet Thong
National Economics University
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Modified subgradient extragradient method for variational inequality problems
DV Thong, DV Hieu
Numerical Algorithms 79 (2), 597–610, 2018
Weak and strong convergence theorems for variational inequality problems
DV Thong, DV Hieu
Numerical Algorithms 78, 1045-1060, 2018
Tseng type methods for solving inclusion problems and its applications
A Gibali, DV Thong
Calcolo 55, 1-22, 2018
Inertial extragradient algorithms for strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities
DV Thong, D Van Hieu
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 341, 80-98, 2018
A novel inertial projection and contraction method for solving pseudomonotone variational inequality problems
P Cholamjiak, DV Thong, YJ Cho
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 169, 217-245, 2020
Inertial subgradient extragradient algorithms with line-search process for solving variational inequality problems and fixed point problems
DV Thong, DV Hieu
Numerical Algorithms 80, 1283-1307, 2019
Self adaptive inertial subgradient extragradient algorithms for solving pseudomonotone variational inequality problems
DV Thong, D Van Hieu, TM Rassias
Optimization Letters 14 (1), 115-144, 2020
Modified subgradient extragradient algorithms for variational inequality problems and fixed point problems
DV Thong, DV Hieu
Optimization 67 (1), 83-102, 2018
Modified Tseng's extragradient methods for solving pseudo-monotone variational inequalities
DV Thong, PT Vuong
Optimization, 2019
A strong convergence theorem for Tseng’s extragradient method for solving variational inequality problems.
DV Thong, NT Vinh, YJ Cho
Optimization Letters, 2019
New extragradient-like algorithms for strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities
D Van Hieu, DV Thong
Journal of Global Optimization 70, 385-399, 2018
Weak and strong convergence theorems for solving pseudo-monotone variational inequalities with non-Lipschitz mappings
DV Thong, Y Shehu, OS Iyiola
Numerical Algorithms 84, 795-823, 2020
Strong convergence of a forward–backward splitting method with a new step size for solving monotone inclusions
DV Thong, P Cholamjiak
Computational and Applied Mathematics 38, 1-16, 2019
An inertial method for solving split common fixed point problems
DV Thong, D Van Hieu
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 1-23, 2017
New algorithms and convergence theorems for solving variational inequalities with non-Lipschitz mappings
S Reich, DV Thong, QL Dong, XH Li, VT Dung
Numerical Algorithms 87, 527-549, 2021
Some extragradient-viscosity algorithms for solving variational inequality problems and fixed point problems
DV Thong, D Van Hieu
Numerical Algorithms 82 (3), 761-789, 2019
Modified Tseng’s extragradient algorithms for variational inequality problems
DV Thong, D Van Hieu
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 20, 1-18, 2018
New strong convergence theorem of the inertial projection and contraction method for variational inequality problems
DV Thong, NT Vinh, YJ Cho
Numerical Algorithms, 1-21, 2019
Inertial projection-type methods for solving pseudomonotone variational inequality problems in Hilbert space
S Reich, DV Thong, P Cholamjiak, L Van Long
Numerical Algorithms, 1-23, 2021
Accelerated Subgradient Extragradient Methods for Variational Inequality Problems
DV Thong, NT Vinh, YJ Cho
Journal of Scientific Computing, 1-25, 2019
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Articles 1–20