Bernard Tribollet
Bernard Tribollet
Directeur de Recherche, UPMC
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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
ME Orazem, B Tribollet
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Determination of effective capacitance and film thickness from constant-phase-element parameters
B Hirschorn, ME Orazem, B Tribollet, V Vivier, I Frateur, M Musiani
Electrochimica acta 55 (21), 6218-6227, 2010
CPE analysis by local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
JB Jorcin, ME Orazem, N Pébère, B Tribollet
Electrochimica Acta 51 (8-9), 1473-1479, 2006
Constant-phase-element behavior caused by resistivity distributions in films: I. Theory
B Hirschorn, ME Orazem, B Tribollet, V Vivier, I Frateur, M Musiani
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157 (12), C452, 2010
Enhanced graphical representation of electrochemical impedance data
ME Orazem, N Pébère, B Tribollet
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 153 (4), B129, 2006
Dielectric properties of materials showing constant-phase-element (CPE) impedance response
ME Orazem, I Frateur, B Tribollet, V Vivier, S Marcelin, N Pébère, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160 (6), C215, 2013
An impedance investigation of the mechanism of pure magnesium corrosion in sodium sulfate solutions
G Baril, G Galicia, C Deslouis, N Pébère, B Tribollet, V Vivier
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154 (2), C108, 2006
Electrochemical behaviour of copper in neutral aerated chloride solution. I. Steady-state investigation
C Deslouis, B Tribollet, G Mengoli, MM Musiani
Journal of applied electrochemistry 18, 374-383, 1988
Corrosion study of a carbon steel in neutral chloride solutions by impedance techniques
A Bonnel, F Dabosi, C Deslouis, M Duprat, M Keddam, B Tribollet
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 130 (4), 753, 1983
On the intrinsic coupling between constant-phase element parameters α and Q in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
P Córdoba-Torres, TJ Mesquita, O Devos, B Tribollet, V Roche, ...
Electrochimica Acta 72, 172-178, 2012
Mass‐transport study for the electrodissolution of copper in 1M hydrochloric acid solution by impedance
OE Barcia, OR Mattos, N Pebere, B Tribollet
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 140 (10), 2825, 1993
Magnetic field effects on mass transport
O Aaboubi, JP Chopart, J Douglade, A Olivier, C Gabrielli, B Tribollet
Journal of the electrochemical society 137 (6), 1796, 1990
Characterization of calcareous deposits in artificial seawater by impedance techniques: 3—Deposit of CaCO3 in the presence of Mg (II)
C Barchiche, C Deslouis, D Festy, O Gil, P Refait, S Touzain, B Tribollet
Electrochimica Acta 48 (12), 1645-1654, 2003
The apparent constant-phase-element behavior of a disk electrode with faradaic reactions: A global and local impedance analysis
VMW Huang, V Vivier, ME Orazem, N Pébère, B Tribollet
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154 (2), C99, 2006
On the corrosion mechanism of Mg investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
MP Gomes, I Costa, N Pébère, JL Rossi, B Tribollet, V Vivier
Electrochimica Acta 306, 61-70, 2019
Local and global electrochemical impedances applied to the corrosion behaviour of an AZ91 magnesium alloy
G Galicia, N Pébère, B Tribollet, V Vivier
Corrosion Science 51 (8), 1789-1794, 2009
Local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy: A review and some recent developments
VMW Huang, SL Wu, ME Orazem, N Pébère, B Tribollet, V Vivier
Electrochimica Acta 56 (23), 8048-8057, 2011
Characterization of calcareous deposits in artificial sea water by impedance techniques—I. Deposit of CaCO3 without Mg (OH) 2
C Deslouis, D Festy, O Gil, G Rius, S Touzain, B Tribollet
Electrochimica Acta 43 (12-13), 1891-1901, 1998
Application of the impedance model of de Levie for the characterization of porous electrodes
OE Barcia, E D'Elia, I Frateur, OR Mattos, N Pébère, B Tribollet
Electrochimica acta 47 (13-14), 2109-2116, 2002
Comparison of different methods for measuring the passive film thickness on metals
M Benoit, C Bataillon, B Gwinner, F Miserque, ME Orazem, ...
Electrochimica Acta 201, 340-347, 2016
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Articles 1–20