Riku Klén
Riku Klén
Turku PET Centre, University of Turku, Finland
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Evaluation metrics and statistical tests for machine learning
O Rainio, J Teuho, R Klén
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 6086, 2024
Generalized Orlicz spaces and related PDE
P Harjulehto, P Hästö, R Klén
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 143, 155-173, 2016
On Jordan type inequalities for hyperbolic functions
R Klén, M Visuri, M Vuorinen
Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2010, 1-14, 2010
Conformally invariant metrics and quasiconformal mappings
P Hariri, R Klén, M Vuorinen
Springer, 2020
Inequalities for the generalized trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
R Klén, M Vuorinen, X Zhang
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 409 (1), 521-529, 2014
Secretin activates brown fat and induces satiation
S Laurila, L Sun, M Lahesmaa, K Schnabl, K Laitinen, R Klén, Y Li, ...
Nature metabolism 3 (6), 798-809, 2021
Crowdsourcing digital health measures to predict Parkinson’s disease severity: the Parkinson’s Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge
SK Sieberts, J Schaff, M Duda, BÁ Pataki, M Sun, P Snyder, JF Daneault, ...
NPJ digital medicine 4 (1), 53, 2021
Lipschitz conditions, triangular ratio metric, and quasiconformal maps
J Chen, P Hariri, R Klén, M Vuorinen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.6582, 2014
On hyperbolic type metrics
R Klén
Annales Academić Scientiarum Fennicć Mathematica Dissertationes 152, 2009
Magnetic resonance-based attenuation correction and scatter correction in neurological positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging—current status with emerging …
J Teuho, A Torrado-Carvajal, H Herzog, U Anazodo, R Klen, H Iida, ...
Frontiers in physics 7, 243, 2020
Local convexity properties of quasihyperbolic balls in punctured space
R Klén
arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.2973, 2007
Convexity properties of generalized trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
Á Baricz, BA Bhayo, R Klén
Aequationes mathematicae 89, 473-484, 2015
Dual gated PET/CT imaging of small targets of the heart: Method description and testing with a dynamic heart phantom
T Kokki, HT Sipilä, M Teräs, T Noponen, N Durand-Schaefer, R Klén, ...
Journal of nuclear cardiology 17 (1), 71-84, 2010
The visual angle metric and Möbius transformations
R Klén, H Lindén, M Vuorinen, G Wang
Computational Methods and Function Theory 14, 577-608, 2014
New trigonometric and hyperbolic inequalities
BA Bhayo, R Klén, J Sándor
arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.05070, 2015
Prediction of complication related death after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer with machine learning methodology
R Klen, AP Salminen, M Mahmoudian, KT Syvänen, LL Elo, PJ Boström
Scandinavian Journal of Urology 53 (5), 325-331, 2019
Quasihyperbolic metric and Möbius transformations
R Klén, M Vuorinen, X Zhang
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142 (1), 311-322, 2014
Local convexity properties of j-metric balls
R Klén
arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.2386, 2007
Stable iterative variable selection
M Mahmoudian, MS Venäläinen, R Klén, LL Elo
Bioinformatics 37 (24), 4810-4817, 2021
Carimas: an extensive medical imaging data processing tool for research
O Rainio, C Han, J Teuho, SV Nesterov, V Oikonen, S Piirola, T Laitinen, ...
Journal of Digital Imaging 36 (4), 1885-1893, 2023
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Articles 1–20