Niels Grønbech-Jensen
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Cited by
Counterion-induced attraction between rigid polyelectrolytes
N Grønbech-Jensen, RJ Mashl, RF Bruinsma, WM Gelbart
Physical Review Letters 78 (12), 2477, 1997
A simple and effective Verlet-type algorithm for simulating Langevin dynamics
N Grønbech-Jensen, O Farago
Molecular Physics 111 (8), 983-991, 2013
Localized states in discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations
D Cai, AR Bishop, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical review letters 72 (5), 591, 1994
Hall noise and transverse freezing in driven vortex lattices
AB Kolton, D Domínguez, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical review letters 83 (15), 3061, 1999
Statistical mechanics of a discrete nonlinear system
KØ Rasmussen, T Cretegny, PG Kevrekidis, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical review letters 84 (17), 3740, 2000
Stability and Hopf bifurcations in an inverted pendulum
HJ Smith, JA Blackburn, N Grnbech-Jensen
Am J Phys 60, 903-908, 1992
First-principles study of luminescence in Ce-doped inorganic scintillators
A Canning, A Chaudhry, R Boutchko, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (12), 125115, 2011
Determination of the headgroup-gold (111) potential surface for alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers by ab initio calculation
KM Beardmore, JD Kress, N Grønbech-Jensen, AR Bishop
Chemical physics letters 286 (1-2), 40-45, 1998
Metastable filamentary vortex flow in thin film superconductors
N Grønbech-Jensen, AR Bishop, D Domínguez
Physical review letters 76 (16), 2985, 1996
Critical currents and vortex states at fractional matching fields in superconductors with periodic pinning
C Reichhardt, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical Review B 63 (5), 054510, 2001
Simulation of protein folding by reaction path annealing
P Eastman, N Grønbech-Jensen, S Doniach
The Journal of Chemical Physics 114 (8), 3823-3841, 2001
Fiske modes and Eck steps in long Josephson junctions: theory and experiments
M Cirillo, N Grønbech-Jensen, MR Samuelsen, M Salerno, GV Rinati
Physical Review B 58 (18), 12377, 1998
Moving Wigner glasses and smectics: dynamics of disordered Wigner crystals
C Reichhardt, CJ Olson, N Grønbech-Jensen, F Nori
Physical Review Letters 86 (19), 4354, 2001
Pressure calculation in polar and charged systems using Ewald summation: Results for the extended simple point charge model of water
G Hummer, N Gro/nbech-Jensen, M Neumann
The Journal of chemical physics 109 (7), 2791-2797, 1998
First-principles study of luminescence in Eu-doped inorganic scintillators
A Chaudhry, R Boutchko, S Chourou, G Zhang, N Grønbech-Jensen, ...
Physical Review B 89 (15), 155105, 2014
Complex dynamical flow phases and pinning in superconductors with rectangular pinning arrays
C Reichhardt, GT Zimányi, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical Review B 64 (1), 014501, 2001
Interactions between charged spheres in divalent counterion solution
N Grønbech-Jensen, KM Beardmore, P Pincus
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 261 (1-2), 74-81, 1998
Efficient molecular dynamics scheme for the calculation of dopant profiles due to ion implantation
KM Beardmore, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical Review E 57 (6), 7278, 1998
Electric-field-induced nonlinear Bloch oscillations and dynamical localization
D Cai, AR Bishop, N Grønbech-Jensen, M Salerno
Physical review letters 74 (7), 1186, 1995
Application of the G-JF discrete-time thermostat for fast and accurate molecular simulations
N Grønbech-Jensen, NR Hayre, O Farago
Computer physics communications 185 (2), 524-527, 2014
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Articles 1–20