Roberto Carballedo Morillo
Roberto Carballedo Morillo
Lecturer & Researcher at University of Deusto
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Cited by
An improved discrete bat algorithm for symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesman problems
E Osaba, XS Yang, F Diaz, P Lopez-Garcia, R Carballedo
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 48, 59-71, 2016
Good practice proposal for the implementation, presentation, and comparison of metaheuristics for solving routing problems
E Osaba, R Carballedo, F Diaz, E Onieva, AD Masegosa, A Perallos
Neurocomputing 271, 2-8, 2018
Skills requirements for the European machine tool sector emerging from its digitalization
T Akyazi, A Goti, A Oyarbide-Zubillaga, E Alberdi, R Carballedo, R Ibeas, ...
Metals 10 (12), 1665, 2020
An evolutionary discrete firefly algorithm with novel operators for solving the vehicle routing problem with time windows
E Osaba, R Carballedo, XS Yang, F Diaz
Nature-inspired computation in engineering, 21-41, 2016
Crossover versus mutation: a comparative analysis of the evolutionary strategy of genetic algorithms applied to combinatorial optimization problems
E Osaba, R Carballedo, F Diaz, E Onieva, I De La Iglesia, A Perallos
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 154676, 2014
An adaptive multi-crossover population algorithm for solving routing problems
E Osaba, E Onieva, R Carballedo, F Diaz, A Perallos
Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2013 …, 2014
AMCPA: A population metaheuristic with adaptive crossover probability and multi-crossover mechanism for solving combinatorial optimization problems
E Osaba, F Diaz, E Onieva, R Carballedo, A Perallos
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 12 (2), 1-23, 2014
Analysis of the suitability of using blind crossover operators in genetic algorithms for solving routing problems
E Osaba, R Carballedo, F Díaz, A Perallos
2013 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence …, 2013
A multi-crossover and adaptive island based population algorithm for solving routing problems
E Osaba, E Onieva, R Carballedo, F Diaz, A Perallos, X Zhang
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C 14, 815-821, 2013
On efficiently solving the vehicle routing problem with time windows using the bat algorithm with random reinsertion operators
E Osaba, R Carballedo, XS Yang, I Fister Jr, P Lopez-Garcia, J Del Ser
Nature-Inspired Algorithms and Applied Optimization, 69-89, 2018
Simulation tool based on a memetic algorithm to solve a real instance of a dynamic TSP
E Osaba, R Carballedo, F Díaz, A Perallos
Proceedings of IASTED Int. Conf. Applied Simulation and Modelling, 27-33, 2012
Focusing on the golden ball metaheuristic: an extended study on a wider set of problems
E Osaba, F Díaz, R Carballedo, E Onieva, A Perallos
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 563259, 2014
On the influence of using initialization functions on genetic algorithms solving combinatorial optimization problems: a first study on the TSP
E Osaba, R Carballedo, F Diaz, E Onieva, P Lopez, A Perallos
2014 IEEE conference on evolving and adaptive intelligent systems (EAIS), 1-6, 2014
A migration strategy for distributed evolutionary algorithms based on stopping non-promising subpopulations: A case study on routing problems
E Osaba, E Onieva, F Dia, R Carballedo, P Lopez, A Perallos
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 13 (2), 46-56, 2015
Ubiquitous connected train based on train-to-ground and intra-wagon communications capable of providing on trip customized digital services for passengers
I Salaberria, A Perallos, L Azpilicueta, F Falcone, R Carballedo, I Angulo, ...
Sensors 14 (5), 8003-8025, 2014
Smart bandwidth assignation in an underlay cellular network for internet of vehicles
I De La Iglesia, U Hernandez-Jayo, E Osaba, R Carballedo
Sensors 17 (10), 2217, 2017
Comparison between golden ball meta-heuristic, evolutionary simulated annealing and TABU search for the traveling salesman problem
E Osaba, R Carballedo, P López-García, F Diaz
Proceedings of the 2016 on genetic and evolutionary computation conference …, 2016
Towards a Broadband Communications Manager to regulate train-to-earth communications
U Gutiérrez, I Salaberria, A Perallos, R Carballedo
Melecon 2010-2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 1600-1605, 2010
An asymmetric multiple traveling salesman problem with backhauls to solve a dial-a-ride problem
E Osaba, E Onieva, F Diaz, R Carballedo, P Lopez, A Perallos
2015 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and …, 2015
Autopercepción de la competencia digital del alumnado del grado en Educación Social con Ikanos
J Paños-Castro, E Bilbao, A Arruti, R Carballedo
Campus virtuales 11 (1), 51-62, 2022
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Articles 1–20