Robert Neumayer
Robert Neumayer
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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Rhyme and Style Features for Musical Genre Classification by Song Lyrics.
R Mayer, R Neumayer, A Rauber
Ismir 14 (18), 337-342, 2008
How to choose a digital preservation strategy: Evaluating a preservation planning procedure
S Strodl, C Becker, R Neumayer, A Rauber
Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, 29-38, 2007
PlaySOM and PocketSOMPlayer, alternative interfaces to large music collections
R Neumayer, M Dittenbach, A Rauber
ISMIR, 618-623, 2005
A test collection for entity search in DBpedia
K Balog, R Neumayer
Proceedings of the 36th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2013
Integration of text and audio features for genre classification in music information retrieval
R Neumayer, A Rauber
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 724-727, 2007
Combination of audio and lyrics features for genre classification in digital audio collections
R Mayer, R Neumayer, A Rauber
Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 159-168, 2008
Hierarchical target type identification for entity-oriented queries
K Balog, R Neumayer
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and …, 2012
On the modeling of entities for ad-hoc entity search in the web of data
R Neumayer, K Balog, K Nørvåg
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 133-145, 2012
Anti-spam methods-state of the art
W Gansterer, M Ilger, P Lechner, R Neumayer, J Strauß
Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems, University of Vienna 28, 29, 2005
Spam filtering based on latent semantic indexing
WN Gansterer, AGK Janecek, R Neumayer
Survey of text mining II: Clustering, classification, and retrieval, 165-183, 2008
Combination of feature selection methods for text categorisation
R Neumayer, R Mayer, K Nørvåg
Advances in Information Retrieval: 33rd European Conference on IR Research …, 2011
Clustering based ensemble classification for spam filtering
R Neumayer
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Data Analysis, 11-22, 2006
When simple is (more than) good enough: Effective semantic search with (almost) no semantics
R Neumayer, K Balog, K Nørvåg
Advances in Information Retrieval: 34th European Conference on IR Research …, 2012
Content-based organization of digital audio collections
R Neumayer, T Lidy, A Rauber
na, 2005
Multi-Modal Music Information Retrieval-Visualisation and Evaluation of Clusterings by Both Audio and Lyrics.
R Neumayer, A Rauber
RIAO, 70-89, 2007
Analytic comparison of self-organising maps
R Mayer, R Neumayer, D Baum, A Rauber
Advances in Self-Organizing Maps: 7th International Workshop, WSOM 2009, St …, 2009
The metro visualisation of component planes for self-organising maps
R Neumayer, R Mayer, G Polzlbauer, A Rauber
2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2788-2793, 2007
Long-term preservation of electronic theses and dissertations: a case study in preservation planning
C Becker, S Strodl, R Neumayer, A Rauber, EN Bettelli, M Kaiser
Proceedings of the 9th Russian Conference on Digital Libraries (RCDL’07 …, 2007
Playsom: An alternative approach to track selection and playlist generation in large music collections
M Dittenbach, R Neumayer, A Rauber
na, 2005
Applying FAIRness: redesigning a biomedical informatics research data management pipeline
M Parciak, T Bender, U Sax, CR Bauer
Methods of information in medicine 58 (06), 229-234, 2019
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Articles 1–20