Brice Dattée
Cited by
Cited by
Maneuvering in poor visibility: How firms play the ecosystem game when uncertainty is high
B Dattée, O Alexy, E Autio
Academy of Management Journal 61 (2), 466-498, 2018
Dynamics of social factors in technological substitutions
B Dattée, HB Weil
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 74 (5), 579-607, 2007
Complexity and whole-system change programmes
B Dattée, J Barlow
Journal of health services research & policy 15 (2_suppl), 19-25, 2010
Multilevel organizational adaptation: Scale invariance in the Scottish healthcare system
B Dattée, J Barlow
Organization Science 28 (2), 301-319, 2017
The dynamics of organizational autonomy: Oscillations at Automobili Lamborghini
B Dattée, JL Arrègle, P Barbieri, T Lawton, D Angwin
Administrative Science Quarterly 67 (3), 721-768, 2022
Organizational autonomy: A review and agenda for future research
JL Arregle, B Dattée, MA Hitt, D Bergh
Journal of Management 49 (1), 85-124, 2023
Appropriability, proximity, routines and innovation. Challenging the S-curve: patterns of technological substitution
B Dattee
DRUID Summer Conference, Copenhagen, CBS, Denmark, June, 18 20, 2007
Convex drops in technological substitutions
B Dattée
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 45, 54-73, 2017
Autonomy as a Strategic Dial: A Dynamic Framework for Managing Acquired Subsidiaries
T C. Lawton, D N. Angwin, B Dattée, JL Arregle, P Barbieri
California Management Review 66 (3), 47-68, 2024
The paradox of supplier development in technology-based luxury supply chains
P Barbieri, B Dattée, SK Mahapatra
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 43 (11), 1723-1756, 2023
The limits of innovation ecosystem strategy: A demand-side view
BA Dattee, LDW Thomas, E Autio
Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 15268, 2023
Chapitre 11. Simultanéité de la vision et de la mise en œuvre des projets stratégiques
B Dattée
Les processus stratégiques, 108-121, 2018
Simultanéité de la vision et de la mise en oeuvre des projets stratégiques
B Dattée
Les processus stratégiques, 117-130, 2018
Dynamic capabilities and innovation ecosystems: the case of technology-based premium price firms
B Dattee, T Lawton, P Barbieri
Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society Special Confernece 2013, 1-3, 2013
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Articles 1–14